The General

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"We have got to move before those fighters come back," Rex claimed over the sound of blaster fire.

"Rex!" Fives exclaimed "Skysati! Over here!"

Skysati shrugged at Rex before going over to Fives. "Jesse, take the right flank. Dogma, take the left flank." Skysati helped move a wounded trooper.

"You're going to be okay, buddy. This will ease the pain,"

Skysati used her lightsaber to help deflect the shots towards the medic as he worked on the wounded trooper.

But even through the blaster fire she heard the familiar voice of her master and saw Master Krell holding a holo communicator.

"The capital city's too fortified." Master Kenobi explained. "We need your battalion to help us take it,"

"Resistance from the Umbarans has been greater than anticipated." Master Krell said "We're holding our ground at the moment,"

"We've gathered intel on an airbase to the west. It is resupplying the capital's defenses."

"Incoming! Incoming!" A trooper exclaimed.

Rex covering Skysati as debris flew through the air from the fire strike.

"Get down! Get down!"

"If you could capture that airbase, it will sever the capital's supply lines, allowing the rest of our forces to move in," Master Kenobi continued.

"I'll see to it that the airbase is placed under our control." Master Krell proclaimed.

"Remember, General Krell, the entire invasion depends on your battalion,"

General Krell ended the transmission "Captain Rex, have those coordinates mapped and all troops ready to move out immediately,"

"Yes, General," Rex said.


Fives, Rex, Skysati, and General Krell walked to a ridge where they were able to see the airbase.

Fives handed Rex the binoculars for him to look.

"There's a base there, all right," Rex noted. "And it's heavily guarded. At least three tank divisions, plus guns,"

"We'll advance along the central gorge and engage their forces in a full-forward assault,"

Skysati shook her head in dismay at Krell's plan but remained silent.

"The gorge is narrow, sir." Rex said "We'll only be able to move our platoons in single squads. Perhaps a closer recon will tell us if there's a more secure route,"

"Obi-Wan and the other battalions are holding off the enemy right now while they wait for us to take out this base. We don't have time to look for a more secure route,"

"Yes, sir,"

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Skysati told Rex as she followed his lead.

"All right, listen up," Rex told the troops. "We'll assemble the squads into two divisions. We'll move straight up this gorge towards the airbase at the far side,"

"The casualties are going to be high," A trooper pointed out.

'"Is Krell trying to get us killed?" Another argued.

"You know, I wasn't sure that Krell was crazy before, but now I'm positive," Fives said.

"We had to retreat from the capital because the general pushed a flawed strategy. Now, this?"

"I don't know." Hardcase said "Could be fun,"

"You like any plan that involves shooting, Hardcase," Skysati pointed out.

"Well, I for one agree with the general's plan. We're running out of time, and this is the best option,"

"No recon?" Jesse challenged "No air support? We don't know what we're up against. They have weapons we've never seen before,"

"A few of General Skywalker's plans seemed reckless too," Rex pointed out. "But they worked,"

"Yeah, but General Skywalker is usually leading his men in the front," Fives argued "not bringing up the rear like General Krell. A full-forward assault would leave us too exposed,"

"We have to look at other options." A trooper said.

"It's going to be a meat grinder down there,"

"Skysati," Rex nodded for her to walk away from the troops. "It would help if you'd ease their minds.

"Oh, you mean coax them into following another of Krell's suicide missions?" Skysati hissed "We lost a lot of men last time,"

"Krell may do things differently, but he is effective in getting them done. He's a recognized war hero,"

"He may have had some victories, but have you seen his casualty numbers? More troopers have been killed under his command than anyone else,"

Rex sighed "That's the price of war, Sky. We're soldiers. We have a duty to follow orders, and, if we must lay down our lives for victory," he began to walk away.

"Do you believe that?" Skysati asked causing Rex to stop. "Or is that what you were engineered to think?"

"I honor my code. That's what I believe,"

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