Grievous Intrigue

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"Greetings, Jedi," General Grievous said on a holorecording as I walked in with Barriss and Ahsoka, taking a stand next to Master Kenobi. "It would seem, once again, one of your Order has lost his way. And even better, a leading member of your Jedi Council. Listen to me, Jedi, I do not care about your politics. I do not care about your Republic. I only live to see you die." I cringed as a droid electrocuted Jedi Master Eeth Koth. "But death will not come so easily for Master Koth. I will make him suffer endlessly, because I know that is more painful for you all,"

The Jedi around us all began to talk at once.

"Away with the younglings." Master Yoda ordered and I looked up at Master Kenobi, who nodded so I followed after the other Padawans but stayed close enough to overhear the conversation.

"It's time somebody finally put an end to that monster," Anakin proclaimed

"On that, agreed we are," Master Yoda said "How to find him, the question remains,"

"After engaging Grievous, we lost contact with Master Koth. He could be anywhere." Obi-Wan explained.

"Have something your padawan, might," Yoda said.

I entered the room "My apologies Masters...but if you could play back the message,"

"Look." Anakin said "Hand signals,"

"I admit my skills are rusty, but..." Master Kenobi said

"Saleucami System," I replied "Sector J-19. Zero-eight, zero-five, two-nine,"

"Saleucami? But intelligence reported Grievous has no ships near that sector," Master Gallia explained

"Yes, but so often inaccurate our intelligence is," Master Yoda said

"I shall go along with my Padawan," Master Kenobi volunteered.

"So will I," Anakin said

"And I," Master Gallia said


Master Kenobi and I stood on the ship "Are you ready?"

"Ready and waiting," Anakin said from his own

"Skysati and I shall engage the Separatist fleet and send you the coordinates of Grievous' command ship,"

"Just make sure you get it right," Anakin teased

"Isn't that why he brought me along," I teased

"How do you plan on getting Grievous aboard your ship?" Master Gallia questioned

"Not to worry. The good general and I have a history. I'm sure he'll want to even the score face-to-face," Obi-Wan explained

"Meanwhile, we'll jump in undetected and board the command ship," Anakin explained

"If Master Koth is still alive, we will find him," Master Gallia said

"Hopefully, by the end of this mission, we will have saved Master Koth and captured General Grievous," Obi-Wan said


"General, I knew one day I'd catch up to you," Obi-Wan said once we hailed Grievous' ship.

"Kenobi!" General Grievous greeted "What a surprise. I assume you are here to bring me to justice,"

"You know me too well,"

"Indeed I do." the video feed was cut.

Grievous' ship immediately began firing at us.

"Well, we certainly have his attention," I told Kenobi

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