Friends and Enemies [3]

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Skysati sat in the co-pilot seat while Cad Bane flew and Moralo Eval spoke to Count Dooku over a holo communicator. Skysati's skin crawled at the thought of meeting with the Separatist leader, looking over at Cad Bane she realized it was better to be stuck with him rather than with a Sith.

"Yes, Count Dooku," Eval said "I'm sorry I was delayed. I'm free now." he glanced over to ensure there were no prying ears and decided to take his conversation elsewhere "I'll try to reach Serenno as soon as possible."

Skysati glanced back at Eval and over to Cad Bane "Working for a Sith again? Would've thought you learned by now..." she grunted in pain as an electric shock went through again.

"Watch your tone. Or haven't you learned by now,"

Skysati frowned as she rubbed the back of her neck and got up as Eval came back to the front of the ship and took the seat she had previously occupied.

Eval watching her as she went.

"You said it yourself, Eval. You're free now," Cad Bane said, turning Eval's attention back towards the Bounty Hunter. "I want my money,"

"After the weapons and the ship. I have very few credits left," Eval claimed causing Skysati to move further towards the back of the ship and away from Bane's wrath, if there's one thing you should never do is mess with his money.

"You will be paid when we reach Sereno," Eval continued.

Bane looked back towards Skysati when there was a loud bang and lights began to flash red, Skysati held her hands up to show it hadn't been her.

"What's this? Who's attacking us?"

Cad Bane looked through the window of the ship and saw the attacking ship "The Hutts!"

"How did they find us so quickly?"

"Hardeen trying to even the score,"

Another shot rang through the ship.

"The Engines are fried. We'll have to turn back,"


Skysati grimaced as Cad Bane dragged her by her arm. "I told you I had nothing to do with what happened,"

"Ah, back so soon?" Hardeen teased the group.

Skysati grunted when Bane pushed her towards where Hardeen was sitting at the table having a drink.

Once Skysati came over, Hardeen pushed a plate of food towards her, but despite her rumbling stomach, she didn't touch it.

"Let me missed me," Hardeen said.

Skysati shook her head when Cad Bane rushed over and pushed Hardeen up against the wall.

"Watch it!" An alien exclaimed.

"Kill me and you won't get off Nal Hutta," Hardeen told Bane.

"Moralo Eval is running out of time." Eval proclaimed crossly as he pulled Cad Bane off of Hardeen "and patience. Let the man talk,"

"Look, I've got a ship. You've got the Hutts on your tail, so you make me a partner in everything,"

Moralo Eval sighed "Your deal is accepted.

Cad Bane stopped Hardeen from walking off "No. First, I want to know where you got the credits to buy a ship,"

Hardeen pushed Bane's hand off him "You thought you left me for dead. But the Hutts owed me a favor,"

"So you had them shoot us down?"

"Told you I had nothing to do with it," Skysati muttered only to flinch when Cad Bane glared over at her.

"You would've done the same thing, Bane." Hardeen proclaimed "The way I see it, we're even now,"


"So about your fee from Eval:" Hardeen said to Cad Bane as they reached their new ship "A 50/50 split sounds fair to me,"

"Over his dead corpse," Skysati laughed as she got to the steps only to be stopped when Hardeen grabbed her arm. "Want to go round two, Hardeen." Skysati hissed as she turned towards the bounty hunter "I won't go easy this time,"

Hardeen smirked, "I'm sure you won't." He handed Skysati some bread " didn't touch what I offered you back at the restaurant, and I can only assume you haven't been given much since being with Bane,"

Skysati took it hesitantly, looking down at the food and back up at Hardeen "Why do you care?"

Hardeen placed a hand on Skysati's shoulder and looked her in the eyes "Deep down, you know why," he headed on the ship, leaving Skysati confused by Hardeen's kind gesture and his cryptic answer.

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