Hunting for Ziro

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"You seem troubled, Master," I noted as I stood next to Obi-Wan on the docking bay

"Quinlan Vos has that effect," Obi-Wan stated

"I'm afraid in my time here I haven't heard much of his reputation,"

"Let's just say he's crazy,"

Before I could dwell more on the subject, Cody pointed to the entryway.

"Ship entry from the west, sirs," Cody reported

"Hey, Kenobi," Quinlan Vos greeted as he jumped from the ship "Hey, Commander. Looking good," Quinlan Vos nodded towards me "Padawan,"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Kenobi, you look worse for wear. How's temple life?" Quinlan Vos hit Obi-Wan in the shoulder.

Obi-Wan only scowled.

"Good to see you too,"

"Yes, well, if you could tell time half as well as you could stick a landing, we wouldn't be behind schedule, now would we?" Obi-Wan chastised

"Well, that's your opinion, man,"

Obi-Wan shook his head "Let's get down to business. Ziro the Hutt was broken out during a hostage takeover,"

"Yeah, I read the briefing about that mess,"

"I suspect Jabba the Hutt is behind this. He still has it out for Ziro over the kidnapping of his son,"

"Well, my information indicates that Ziro has damaging evidence against the Hutt council. My guess is they've taken him to the Hutt home planet Nal Hutta,"

"As for this bounty hunter Cad Bane, we must capture and return both he and his quarry Ziro to the courts. I trust you, Skysati, and I can keep eyes forward in this common goal?"

"That will be no problem, Master. I've got an unsettled score to settle with that bounty hunter," I scowled as my hand unconsciously grazed the back of my neck.

"I'll fly." Quinlan Vos told Obi-Wan "You're my copilot,"

"I was afraid he'd say that," Obi-Wan muttered

"Don't tell me he flies like Anakin," I groaned



The Hutt guards lead us into a room, I had to shield my eyes briefly from the disco lighting, while also unconsciously wrapping my arms around myself at the reminder of what I did while under Hondo's "care"

"Kava su nudcha?" A Hutt asked

"How goes the war, gentlemen?" A translator droid asked

"Great Gardulla, we bring unfortunate news." Obi-Wan said "Ziro the Hutt has escaped our custody with the aid of the bounty hunter Cad Bane,"

My skin bristled at the name.

"Dobrah chuba koochoo," Great Gardulla said

"The great Gardulla already knows this, Jedi knights," The translator droid said

"I'm beginning to think you're the ones who broke him out." Quinlan Vos accused

"Wanta?" Great Gardulla asked

"And why would the great Hutt families do such a thing?" The translator droid asked

"That's what I'd like to know," Quinlan Vos said

"Quinlan," Obi-Wan spoke up "the Hutts are our allies,"

"Chuba gusha Kenobi," Great Gardulla said "Solo chuba killya,"

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