[010] FAMILY REUNION. (PT, 2.)

855 55 78

TW :: blood/death.
{a/n} :: i updated this so quick zahhh,, anyway ,, the mention of death is obscure but i still thought i should add the tw. enjoy !!

Shuichi gripped onto the wheelchair, dejecting his gaze away from the purple-haired leader, silence overlapping the previous conversation.  He had just finished telling Kokichi about his visit, not every detail, but just enough for Kokichi to know he didn't particularly like his parents.

The leader didn't have much detail on the visit, but he could fill in some of the blank spots himself.  He knew that his parents were...not that pleasant, he knew Shuichi ended up passing out, which made the visit end early, and he knew his uncle was coming later that day to drop off his stuff.  That was all he had gotten out of the explanation, so he'd have to try and fill in the spots further.

Kokichi was looking at Shuichi, his eyebrow raised as he analyzed his every move.

"Ouma-Kun,"  Shuichi looked up, looking down at Kokichi's hands as the leader smiled.  "Yup yup, Saihara-Chan?  Whatchya need?"

The detective shuffled to the side, messing with the end of his sleeve nervously.  "What happened at...y—your visit?"

Kokichi blinked, his smile faltering before he perked back up into his spontaneous persona.  "Well since you told me youuuurs,~"  He winked at Shuichi.  "I guess I can tell you my entire life story!"

Kokichi spun around his wheelchair, Shuichi flinching at the sudden movement.

"E—eh?! Your entire l—life story?!"  The detective squeaked, Kokichi rolling his eyes and facing back at Shuichi, a mischievous grin plastered against his face.


Kokichi was dressed in his normal light-purple hospital scrub, white crocs strapped against his feet as Ibuki was wheeling him down the hallway.  He swayed his head side-to-side, cockily smiling from ear-to-ear whilst his doctor strolled him further.

Today, he was seeing his big brother.  After ten years.

Ibuki wiggled the wheelchair, whistling as she skipped down the hall with Kokichi.  "Who is Ouma-Kun visiting today?!  Ibuki can't way, she's so so so excited!!"

"I'm visiting my big brother today,"  Kokichi smiled, looking down at his limp feet.  "He can't really visit me, since he's in a coma.  If he could that'd be totally super wild!  I'd be jumping out of my own shoes, it's like a zombie!"

Ibuki blinked, registering what the leader said as she pressed the up arrow for the elevator.  "Ah, Ibuki sees.., she sees.  Ibuki was chosen by the gods as their loving child!  Ibuki will cast down a spell to protect your brother from harms way!"

The elevator dinged, the doors sliding open as they collided with the walls.  Ibuki pushed in Kokichi, clicking the ground-level button and waiting for the elevator to start up again.  Once the elevator started vibrating, Ibuki held onto the wheelchair, keeping it still.

"Thanks Dr. Mioda-Sama,"  Kokichi flashed his teeth, covering up the worrying fear of claustrophobia creeping up his body.  Ibuki smiled back, showing all her teeth—including her molars—like it was a competition. "You are very welcome, Ouma-Kun!"

The elevator ringed as it hit the bottom, startling Ibuki out of her smiling competition as she reached onto the rails of Kokichi's wheelchair.  She wheeled him out to the lobby, the receptionist clicking away at a computer, keeping their stare onto the document they had open.

Kokichi caught sight of them, blinking idly at the receptionist before waving, remembering who it had been.  "Morning Fukawa-Sama, has Togami-Sama accepted your undying loooove yet?!"

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