[008] A GAME OF UNO.

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TW :: gender/body dysmorphia,, break downs,, self deprecation.

Shuichi stared in the mirror, his wheelchair positioning himself to wear his chest was at the height of the counter right below the mirror.  His eyes met with his own, the reflection shining back at him tauntingly.  He hated how he looked.  Each one of his feminine features sticking out like a sore-thumb, his chest pulling forward despite the binder wrapped around him.  Shuichi pulled at his cheek, watching the chunk of fat jiggle back onto his face as he let go of it.  He wished he could be blind.  If he was blind he wouldn't have to see how feminine he really was everyday.

Shuichi sighed, his lips parting as he stared down at his feet.  They fell limp underneath him, his eyebrows knitting together angrily.  He couldn't even feel them or move them, so why should they even be there?  Why doesn't Dr. Nevermind-Sama cut them off since they're so useless?  It's just dead-weight anyway, Shuichi didn't need them if they're unusable.

He reached for his notebook again, before stopping and recoiling his hand back.  If he stopped trying to use his voice now, all his progress would go down the drain.  He'd make all his friends sad.

Shuichi rolled back in his wheelchair, his hands shaking against the wheels' rails.  He needed to get Kokichi from his room anyway, today was the day they were supposed to join the others at breakfast.  It would be the first time Kokichi saw another person other than Shuichi and Kaede, so today was a big day.

Shuichi rolled himself out of the bathroom, scooting to the door and pushing it against the door stopper.  He took in a deep breath, watching as all the nurses skittered around the hallway with their clipboards and hair bouncing behind them.  The strong scent of freshly made laundry and medicine wafted around the air as Shuichi breathed out a heavy sigh.  He wheeled out into the hallway, scrolling down the long quartz floor and looking for the metal plate with the numbers '510'.

Shuichi stopped in front of a tall wooden door, halting his wheelchair and reaching for the doorknob.  He turned it, the cogs inside clinking together as he pushed it forward into the door stopper.

Kokichi immediately perked his head up, a smile spreading across his face.  "Saihara-Kun..!  I thought you totes forgot a—about me!"

Shuichi awkwardly smiled, upturning his shoulders and scooting further in the room.  He looked around, watching the almost identical white room burn at his eyes.  A few purple posters were plastered against the walls and paint was splotched against the floor.

Kokichi's hair was crinkled upward, his wheelchair underneath him sitting at the end of the bed.  He had a light-purple hospital scrub on with small drawings scribbled in sharpie all over his clothing.  Black grippy-socks were wrapped around his feet, Kokichi's obnoxious smile greeting Shuichi each time he looked over at him.  There was also a D.I.C.E. logo pin clipped to the left of his chest.

"W—why would I f—forget about y—you?"  Shuichi asked, watching as Kokichi turned the corner in his wheelchair and a zebra blanket draped over his legs.  "Why would you not?"

"Y—you're...fun to h—hang o—out with..."  Shuichi scratched at his cheek before looking back up at Kokichi.  "A—anyway, we should...h—head to the cafeteria..."

Kokichi just shrugged.


Shuichi and Kokichi wheeled up to the double-doored cafeteria entrance, the two large slabs towering over them and overshadowing their bodies. Kokichi looked at the doors, his mouth slightly gaped at the sight. "I haven't seen a—anyone for so long."

The detective set his hand on the metal doorknob, turning toward Kokichi. "N—nobody...v—visited you..?"

"Nobody likes the idea of visiting somebody they hate."

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