[017] COMFORT.

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a/n ;; roar. I FINALLY UPDATED.

,,,so basically im writing a few chapters to give insight on the other characters and how their stories will affect how the plot is going to go later on ect,,,

and before i get ANY comments saying how im giving DID bad representation;; i personally have DID sooo this was mostly self influenced and the fact that kiyo has DID is sort of a plot mark for later sooooo yeahhh
this chapter is so short i swear the next one will be longer im finally getting motivation to write this again

tw ;; mentions of past abuse,, past death,, & a whole lot of self indulgence


Comfort was something that felt foreign to Korekiyo. It was something that had always been so difficult and tiring to attain, he had just given up at this point. He had let it go into a pit of deep-sorrow and regret, into a pit where he would never give it the light of day again. Korekiyo had abandoned all the ideas of comfort when the killing game had started and his sister became distant. His sister was the only thing that gave him an escape and she left him not once, not twice, but three times, all the while turning his life into a living hell.

And he still couldn't wipe that distasteful lipstick off of his face.

Korekiyo drove his mask further onto his face, shaking his head and burying his knees in his chest. He hated all these therapists, all these psychiatrists, all these people crowding him and asking him questions. Why was getting alone so hard now?

The killing game ended up all being a simulation. A game, for others entertainment. Korekiyo had found out he had willingly participated as well. To say he felt shitty was an understatement. They had fully bended and molded his relationships into looking like something disgusting, something so gross and frowned-upon.

Korekiyo wasn't an idiot to Dissociative Identity Disorder, he had the memories of years worth of anthropology anyway. When the alter of his sister had stayed ever after the game, his psychiatrist informed him that he had, in fact, developed DID and had it since before the beginning of the simulation. His head hurt and his temples felt on fire, his throat was burning and his whole body had a wrack of shivers and a stream of sweat beading down it. It had only been a day since this change and yet he couldn't help but feel like wanting to die.

Korekiyo looked into the mirror. His lipstick was smudged, all his hair from the killing game had been cut down to his shoulders, his eyes seemed dull and yet still full of life.

"Korekiyo," The woman had spoked from inside his head, Korekiyo leaned into his hands and closing his eyes. Why did she never just be quiet? He never wanted to hear her voice again, "Korekiyo please listen to me. Stop ignoring me." She insisted, the flash of her image strutting into Korekiyo's mind.

"Leave me alone," He muttered, the message getting to the woman as he heard her grunt. "No, I'm your sister."

"You're not my sister!" Korekiyo shouted, whipping his head toward the window and looking into his eyes. They seemed angry, he seemed angry, his hands were clenched onto the countertop and shaking violently. Korekiyo had more alters, one even based off of Shuichi from the same killing game. One of the only people that had shown him true care. Maybe they could still travel the world together, maybe not, he guessed he'd never want to be seen with such a monster like himself.

So self indulgent, he heard another ambiguous voice inside his head. He wished they could just all go away. It was hell living like this. Shut up, he repeated, fishing himself off of the counter and walking for the door. He couldn't handle it, he wanted them all to go away, he wanted to be normal. Why couldn't he just be normal?

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