[011] EMOTIONS 101 : LOVE.

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TW :: hallucinations ,, pills ,, panicking.

Maki rushed into her hospital room, slamming the door behind her and desperately trying to catch her breath.  She clutched her eyes shut, hearing the growing whispering surround her, rapidly screaming louder with each passing second.

At some point, you snap.  You can't handle always suppressing your emotions, hiding away from others to avoid getting taken advantage of.  Breaking off connections with anyone close to you because you're afraid of having them get hurt because of you.

Did you think this story was just about Shuichi?  Well it isn't. 

Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate Assassin—or better know as the Ultimate Child Caregiver.  She was one of the two survivors in the 53rd killing game, held by Team Danganronpa.

Guilt surrounded her like a parasite, spreading up her body and making her shudder.  She hated feeling this way...she thought she had pushed down those emotions so far they'd never come back.

But now that there were people following her, whispering at her, touching her, and plaguing her with their words, she didn't think she could hold them down anymore.

A black shadow ran their hands over her arms, smirking into her ear and whispering lowly.  Their voice was disgustingly malice-filled, making a deep shiver run down Maki's spine.  "Nobody would ever like a killer like you."

A little girl ran up to her leg, tugging at her pant leg and looking up at her.  The whispering grew louder, the little girl's blonde hair tied up by a small ponytail on the top of her head.

"All the orphans are dead because of you," She smirked, the aroma of evil growing eagerly around her, basically eating her entire body.  "Because you're a coward."

"I—I'm not a coward!"  Maki screamed, covering her ears and clenching her eyes shut.  She just wanted everything to be quiet.  Everything seemed so loud now, she couldn't seem to make the sounds stop.

"G—go away..., go a—away..."  

Maki grabbed onto the sides of her arms, wrapping into herself and slumping down the wall.  Her eyes tinged with the slight build-up of tears, as her nose started to clog and her breathing quickened.

She felt the presence of something new, hitching her head up and staring at the blaring red button beside her bed, looking as if it was calling her to its aid.  She saw a small-white shadow envelope on the bed, its eyes piercing at Maki inquisitively.

Its white hair cut-off at its shoulders, its black pupils blinking at Maki as its skin beamed off of the hanging lights on the ceiling.  They both made eye-contact, Maki holding onto herself tighter.

"Who are you?"  It asked her, the voice echoing and bouncing off the walls.  Maki cowered further into the wall, "W—what?"

It blinked, the pitch-black eyes dissolving into complete whiteness, before it opened its eyes again and bringing back the blackness of its largening pupils.  "I asked...who...are you?"

Maki glanced over at the red-button, using the wall to steady herself as she stood against it.  She breathed out a sigh, her breath quickening from the growing whispers.

"Are you really Maki Harukawa..?  Are you...?  Or maybe...you're an imposter, sent to murder and send all your friends into their sprawling demise..."

The white shadow evaporated into the air, the smoke remnant of the ghost surrounding Maki and sending a chill-erupting spine shatter through her entire body.

"I heard a rumor!"  A higher-voice piped up, Maki biting the inside of her cheek and slowly stumbling over to the red button.  She really wanted...no, she needed her medication.

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