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ALSO shameless promo but i have another saiouma book i uploaded on my account so if you want another book to read check it out !! ,,,, 

Today is Halloween!  The day of scares, candy, and costumes!  Kokichi found himself fixing the hat on his head, staring into the mirror with a giddy smile on his face.  It's not everyday you get to go trick-or-treating in a hospital—a haunted one, Kokichi liked to think.  Kokichi's costume was somewhat boring, a large brown overcoat leaning off his shoulders, the tips of his fingers being the only thing sticking out of the much-too-large sleeves.  A green, red, and white ghost pin and stuck onto the coat, dark-grey loose jeans tied to his waist with a belt.  Before Kokichi had tried it on, Ibuki suggested adding stickers to it.  And now as a result, his jacket was covered in ghost, spider, zombie, and cobweb stickers.  This was exciting!  He could pull so many pranks today!  His mind was racing with hundreds of newly-sprung ideas.  Fake blood on top of a doorway, chasing around Himiko with a fake knife, and more!

With one last preppy smile, Kokichi leaned against his arm cane and went out to the hallway.  He was lucky enough to switch from crutches to an arm cane.  Once Kokichi was able to fully recover and walk again, he'd make sure all the people who've wronged him will get the cruelest and utmost worst pranks done on them!  Like Miu for killing his stupid spoon.

The hallway was decorated with dried-fake-blood on the floor, the lights dimmed slightly and replaced with red bulbs.  There was a black-cover table pushed against the wall, with a bunch of gas-station snacks laid out agains the fabric.  Everyone seemed to just be standing around and talking, with different costumes and bags of candy.

Kokichi had a pillow case to store his candy.  Not like it mattered, Ibuki practically spilled paint all over his laundry a week ago, which resulted in his pillow being neon-red and hot-pink.

Shuichi had a walking cane too, Kokichi noticing he dropped the wheelchair idea, his eyes darting around and looking for something.  He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but Kokichi lifted his hand in the air and flagged him down as he ran up to him.

"Shumai!"  He shouted, to basically the entire hallway and stopping himself in front of Shuichi.  The bluenette lifted the sheet off of his face so Kokichi could see him.  Shuichi didn't have any extravagant makeup on, in fact, he seemed to not be wearing any at all apart from his usual eyeliner.  He had his hair tied in a tiny ponytail, mostly to keep the longer-growing hair out of his face, with a white T-shirt and sweatpants on.  Kokichi could also see that he had a binder on through the shirt but chose not to mention it.

"Hello, Kokichi..."  Shuichi murmured, giving off a soft smile down at Kokichi.  "I like your costume."

The purplenette grinned, "Thank you, Shu-ich-i!  Had to have the best for my beloved,"  He winked—mostly as a joke but it spurred a reaction out of the detective, to which he started stammering and blushing.  It was sort of funny, "What do you wanna do now?!  We could go steal candy!  Or, or, we could go and prank people!  They wouldn't even expect you to be the culprit!"

"O—or we could just...  Eat our own candy,"  Shuichi stammered, blinking off the random ideas Kokichi sprouted.  The purplenette beamed, "Oh, oh!  I have a great idea!"

Kokichi reached up for the sheet, pushing it over Shuichi's half-visible binder again and grabbing onto his opposite hand—the one without the crutch, obviously—as he brought him over to his room.  Once they were inside, Kokichi slammed shut the door and locked it tight.  He turned back toward Shuichi with a large grin, one that the detective knew was filled with mischief.  Kokichi dropped his tone to a whisper, "We should prank Kaito and make him think you're a real ghost.  He's going to pee his pants!"

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