Chapter 8

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That morning I woke up and checked the time.... I was 30 minutes late for class I didn't care by that point. I got ready in my uniform and went to the common room. Blaise was there... " hey Blaise" I said sitting down beside him " hey y/n  have you seen Draco lately?" I looked at Blaise " I saw him last night but that was it. Have you checked his dorm?" Blaise got up " actually now that I think about it I have class maybe you should check his dorm" I sighed " I'll see you later" Blaise walked away.

I walked to dracos dorm his door wasn't locked. I knocked and got no answer then I knocked harder still no answer. I quietly opened his door to see him sleeping, I walked over to him and whispered " Draco we're late" Draco let out a grunt and turned around, I rolled my eyes "Malfoy you're late" he still didn't get up. I got a cup of water and poured it on him. " BLOODY HELL Y/N" I stood on the side of his bed laughing " that's not funny now we're going to be extra late" I started laughing " no Malfoy it's you're problem not mine" as I walked away I felt Draco pull my wrist " get off of me Malfoy" he backed me up into the wall locking his door with his other hand. " Draco let me go we can talk about this later" I said trying to get out of his grip " no you need to be taught a lesson" Draco said as he was holding me tighter " let. Go. Of. Me. Now." Draco clearly got mad and threw me to the bed. " you will be punished if you like it or not y/n " Draco got on top of me I tried pushing him off." now London you need to stop"

I looked at Draco " well let me go" Draco went down to my ear " I'm afraid I can't do that now slut" I looked at Draco confused " wha- I'm not a slut!" I started to get angry " get the hell off of me Malfoy!" Draco looked at me pissed " fine be in here by 5 if you're late you're punished" I shook my head as he got up.

I went to potions. I felt like someone was looking at me but a ignored it. I got to potions and sat down Snape looked at me " miss riddle why are you late?" he looked at me mad " I woke up late" just when I said that Draco came running in. " detention both of you after dinner" Draco got mad and whispered " old fucking bitch".

" MALFOY YOU HAVE EXTRA NOTES TODAY" I looked at Draco and giggled. Draco glared at me and whispered " you won't be able to walk after tonight" I looked at him and started taking my notes.
𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓬𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼

I was walking to the great Hall for lunch then I felt a hand on my wrist I turned around to see Draco, I looked into his icy grey eyes. " do you have a problem?" I said with a attitude " I don't like that attitude, but I wanted to ask you of you wanted to eat together?" I looked at Draco " sure.." we started to walk to the great Hall. Me and Draco talked about random things Quttich, parents, and things like that. I got up " well Draco I'll see you at 5" Draco nodded his head as I walked away.
𝓐𝓽 4:30

I got to my dorm and checked the time holy shit I had 30 minutes to get ready. I started looking for a outfit, I found a little green Sateen dress it was short and cute. I put on make-up and checked the time I was 5:10 I hurried to dracos dorm.

I knocked on the door and Draco pulled me in them shut and locked his door. " what are you do-" Draco cut me off and kissed me I pulled away " Draco what the hell?!" Draco slammed me to the wall and went down to my ear " you're late... 10 minutes late" I got butterflies " I- sorry Draco I didn't mean to be late" Draco wrapped his fingers around my neck " pathetic excuse y/n " I started getting nervous as Draco touched my thighs " jump" I jumped to where I could wrap my legs around Draco. " you now address me as Sir or daddy in this room you understand?" I nodded at head to scared to talk. Draco hit me " use you're words" I looked at Draco in his eyes " y-yes.." Draco squeezed my thighs " yes what?" I got scared " y-yes sir" Draco threw me to his bed and got on top of me " good girl"

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