Chapter 4

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When I was getting ready for dinner I over heard Draco talking to his friends about me. I was wondering why he was talking about me to his friends but then again I didn't really care.

When I walked out of my dorm I ran down to the great hall, Draco was already sitting down, he waved for me like he wanted me to sit beside him, so a sat beside him. Pansy looked at me and said " why are you sitting beside my boyfriend Riddle?" I looked at pansy " pansy he's not you're boyfriend" pansy looked at me and said " Riddle he's kissed me before actually to be exact yesterday" I looked at Draco and said " sorry I didn't know I'll leave you guys" I got up and walked away, Draco got up and ran after me and stopped me in my tracks, "London please she's lying" I looked at Draco and pulled away " Draco you kissed her how would she be lying?" Draco looked at the ground and said " y/n that's a story I was down at the black lake all day yesterday" I looked at Draco and said " fine I believe you I'm going back to the dormitory's I'm not hungry" Draco said " wait for me London"

I ran to the dormitory's as Draco ran after me, we got stopped my Snape, we didn't want to get in trouble so we just stayed silent, " mind telling me why you were running malfoy and Riddle" me and Draco looked at each other and laughed " we where running because we have to go to the bathroom" I said, Snape looked at us and said " go then". As we ran after each other again we had noticed that we where at the Gryffindor dormitory's, " Draco we're at the wrong dormitory's" Draco laughed and said " I did that on purpose" I looked at him confused " you did what on purpose?" Draco picked me up and ran to the slytherin dormitory's with me in his arms. When we got in the dorm he put me on the couch, " see that's what I wanted to do Riddle" I looked at Draco and laughed " okay Malfoy I'm going to bed now" Draco looked at me and said " okay see you in the morning"

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