Chapter 18

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I woke up and tried to move but I couldn't. Draco was holding me like I was going to leave him. He finally woke up, and didn't like the fact that I moved a inch. He started to tickle me which made me fall off the couch. He picked me up and put me back on the couch.

Draco was hovering over me looking in my eyes. I tried tickling him back but he pinned my hands above my head. He put his other hand on my waist, still looking at me. He leaned in so did I, he smashed his lips against mine. He kept the kiss going for a minute or two before pulling away.

" y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

" Draco, I would love to be your girlfriend"

He kissed me again not pulling away. He slid his tongue in, it caught me by surprise but I did the same. We started making out, he put his hand up my shirt, he finally pulled away, and looked at me in the eyes.

" can I?"

" yes but not in the common room"

He picked me up and took me to his dorm. He pinned me to the wall and we started making out again. I pulled him closer by his tie. He picked up my leg by the thigh. He finally took off my shirt, and started kissing me down my neck and back to my lips.

He gave me hickey's but he didn't care. He finally made it to my chest and kissed my breast. Once again he picked me up and put me on his bed and hovered over me. He kissed down my stomach to my pants line, he looked up at me making sure if I actually wanted it, I nodded. He took off my pants and started fingering me through my panties. I let out soft moans, it seemed to please him hearing my moans so he fingered me faster. He stopped and pulled down his pants along with his boxers. He teased me a bit, and put his dick in slowly to get me used to the size. Once I did he went faster.

" f-fuck d-Draco"

" quiet princess"

When he said that he went even faster throwing me into a orgasm.

" Draco I'm going to cum!"

He covered my mouth, has his thrusts got more sloppy. He pulled out not letting me finish. Draco finished on my stomach.

" Draco please let me finish"

" what's my name?"

" daddy, please let me finish"

He smirked at my answer and slid his middle finger in my clit, it wasn't a minute before I finished on his fingers. He took out his fingers and licked them

" you taste good princess"

A/N~ sorry I didn't put a warning, btw this was my first smut thing so tell me things I need to improve, and thank you for reading my story I'm actually so thankful for you guys❤️

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