Chapter 33

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I was shocked but kissed her back. Pansy started touching my waist. Draco started kissing my thighs. Pansy pulled away and let Draco have his turn. Draco took off my shirt and Pansy looked in amazement.

" damn y/n you look hot" I smiled and blushed at the same time. Draco saw and started playing with my breasts. Pansy opened my legs and started teasing me. I started to moan from the teasing and from Draco touching me.

Pansy moved and let Draco in between my legs. Pansy took off my bra and started sucking on my chest. Draco took off his pants and his boxers. I didn't even look because I was being distracted by pansy. Draco shoved his dick in without warning. I let out a loud moan. Pansy laughed so did Draco. Draco started pounding while pansy was rubbing my clit.

I kept moaning uncontrollably. Pansy rubber even faster. " mmm what a moaning mess just over two people" pansy snickered

Draco laughed " so pathetic" Draco started going harder and faster. I grabbed on to the sheets. Pansy got up and grabbed a vibrator. Pansy put it on full speed and put it and my clit. I thrusted my hips up and moaned loudly.

I didn't even warn Draco that I was going to cum, but I done it anyway. Draco looked at me pissed and started thrusting hard even with me shaking. " Draco slow down!" pansy laughed. " no I'm going until you can't take it" Draco pounded in. Pansy took the vibrator off and started to kiss me.

Draco keep going faster. I grabbed pansy while she was laughing. I started to cry since Draco wouldn't listen to my screams. Draco finally pulled out.

" that's a good girl" Draco said rubbing my legs. " shaking are we?" pansy said. " okay get up y/n" Draco said. I got up and tried walking. Since my legs were shaking so bad I had to grab on to Draco. " just as I thought" Draco put his pants back on and picked me up. Draco put me on the bed. " tell me if you need anything love" pansy got up and put on her clothes " I'll see you guys later" I nodded

Once pansy left Draco got beside me and held me. " calm down love" I looked at him " it's your fault" Draco smiled " just go to sleep" I cuddled up to Draco and played with his fingers.

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