Chapter 34

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I woke up to see Draco gone, maybe he's just in class, I got up and started getting dressed for classes, I then looked at myself in the mirror, I then pick up my books as I start walking to class, everyone was hyper and enjoying the nice cool weather we were having, but I wasn't, I didn't like cold weather, and I wasn't with who I wanted to be with.

I've never thought of this but I think I fell in love with Draco, I mean I know I might say it to some people but I don't mean it sometimes.

As I walk to class I see Draco and I walk up to him, of course he's talking with Blaise his best friend I would say, but every time I tried talking to Draco he would ignore me like I wasn't even there, great, just another guy who wanted me because of my body.

I walk away rolling my eyes, I then walk to my class and put down my books, I'm early but I don't care. I look around for our professor, of course he isn't there yet, what the hell am I doing here so early? I haven't even got breakfast yet, I have another hour until classes start.

I keep my books on the table but I walk out the classroom and walk to the great hall for breakfast, I didn't know if I wanted anything or not so I just sat down and waited for one of my friends to come into the great hall to eat breakfast with me.

About 30 minutes pass and nobody sat near me not even my best friends, what's going on? No one has even spoke to me today at all, I didn't do anything I don't think, maybe I did but I don't remember doing anything.

I walk up to my friend Olivia, she turns to me and looks at me concerned " did you hear?"

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