Chapter 5

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When I woke up I saw that everyone was already down to the great hall to eat. When I was running down stairs I saw Draco coming from the great hall, " y/n ! We were looking for you!" I looked at Draco confused, " I'm not that late I'm I" Draco said " a hour" I looked at Draco and said " a hour why didn't you wake me up?!" Draco laughed and said " you would've been mad" I just ran off to my class I didn't want to get in anymore trouble than I already was.

Once I got in class Professor Lupin looked at me and asked " why are you late?" I sat down and told him " I'm late because I got up late" Lupin looked at me and said " don't be late like that again y/n , anyways class as I was saying." Draco tiptoed in the room and sat beside me " London!" Draco whispered to me I looked at Draco and said " what do you need malfoy" Draco gave me this look of concern, " y/n I need to talk to you after class but not right now". " now Draco why are you talking to London?" Lupin asked, Draco said " I just asked her about what we are doing professor" Lupin looked at him and said " alright then malfoy don't be late and that won't happen". " I understand" said Draco.

As we left the class Draco pulled me to the side " y/n  you're going to have to stay out of trouble" I looked at Draco and just ran off because I had to get to my next class.

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