Chapter 23

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I went to class like normal, I say next to Cedric, he was writing down his notes and I was looking at Draco, I didn't notice until Lupin caught my attention with snapping his fingers.

" miss riddle what was I just explaining?" Lupin asked crossing his arms

" um you explained, uh... The crap on the board" I said not having any idea what he actually explained

" wrong miss riddle, since you weren't paying attention for the fifth time this week you'll have extra homework, see me after class to pick up the work" after he got done with the lesson, he let everyone leave expect me.

I went to his desk looking at my hands.

" now miss riddle, I've let you pass with not paying attention, I'm going easy on you, for now, you'll have a hole two page parchment due next week about werewolves" Lupin said

" next week?" I asked

" next week, now get to class" he dismissed me, I went to my next class.


I went to my dorm and put down my books. I understood why Lupin made me have more homework it's just that studying werewolves is hard.

I got dressed in a green skirt and a black shirt. I pulled my hair up and went outside. I sat under a tree by the black lake. I opened my book and started to read. About 20 minutes later someone took my book out of my hands and put it down. I looked up and it was Draco. He looked at me, and simply picked me up.

" Draco! Put me down!" I tried getting out of his grip

" bad girl" Draco said right after he said that he threw me in the water.

" Draco! I'm going to kill you!" I said.

He got in the lake and held me by my waist " no you won't" he replied

I smiled and kissed him, he kissed me back. He pulled away and went down to my neck and started kissing it. He pulled away after a minute of kissing my neck leaving marks. He then started to unbutton my shirt until I stopped him

" Draco someone could see us" I told him

" so?" He replied

" Draco malfoy! There's something called a room we could use" I replied

He rolled his eyes and kept unbuttoning my shirt. He started kissing my chest, as he unclipped my bra. He started playing with my breasts. Right before he went down further someone cleared there throat....

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