Chapter 9

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I looked Draco in the eyes scared of what he was going to do " w-what are you doing Malfoy?" I said scared " I told you not to be late and what's my name again?" I started pushing him up but he was to heavy and put my hands above my head. " don't move again you will learn to obey me" I still had my sand in my pocket, I pulled out of dracos grip and grabbed my wand, I put it to his neck causing him to take it and throw it across the room.

" GET OFF OF ME!" I said while shaking. " you little fucking slut no one can hear you" I started crying hopefully he would feel bad. He let me go " this isn't over riddle leave now" when he said that a picked up my sand and started to leave. " give me that wand riddle" I turned around and didn't want any other problems and gave him my wand, then walked back to my dorm.

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I woke up and started getting dressed. When I got done I walked out my dorm with Draco at my door " what Malfoy?" I said with a attitude, " first that skirt is way to short and the Weasley twins want you" I looked at Draco " okay I'll see you later" I started walking away then Draco grabbed my arm and slammed me to the wall " I said I don't like that skirt change now" I tried getting out of his grip but it was useless " you don't own me Malfoy" right when that came out my mouth I wished I never said it " change. Now." I could see the anger in his eyes.

" I'm not changing Draco" Draco put his hand on my neck " you listen here slut-" he got interrupted by George " Oy dickhead! Get off of her!" I was really happy to see George " she needs to learn her lesson about her skirt" I looked at George " please help" I whispered. George pulled Draco back and punched him, they started fighting Draco was fucked up and so was George " STOP BOTH OF YOU" I said while pulling George off of Draco. " twat" I looked at Draco and hit the living shit out of him. " I need to go" I ran out of the room crying. George followed me and hugged me form behind " I'm sorry I didn't want to get in a fight love"

I turned around and looked up at him " I don't blame you Georgie" I hugged him tighter and went to class.

There was only one seat left and of course beside Malfoy. I took a seat beside Draco I started taking my notes. I felt dracos hand on my thigh, I tried moving his hand but be just gripped tighter. Kinda hurt to be honest. He started touching my inner thigh I moved away a bit then he pulled me back. " stop!" I whispered " you know you love it y/n " Draco whispered in my ear. The truth is I didn't I hated it but my body loved it.

Draco started moving his hand to my pussy, he started moving my panties and touching my clit slowly. " d-draco stop not here please" he stopped and whispered in my ear " you will meet me after class you hear me?" I nodded my head and started taking my notes.


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I walked to Draco then he shoved me into a empty classroom. " you will listen to me and scream my name in pleasure you get it slut?" I sat down a nodded my head " did I say sit down and use you're words!" Draco said aggressively. I got up " sorry..." I said while looking down at my feet. Draco slammed me on the desk wasting no time " ow! You bitch!" it hurt when he slammed me on the desk. Draco got pissed and slapped me across the face " say that again slut!" I looked at Draco in his eyes " bitch" I was pressing dracos buttons. He looked at me and took of my shirt and my skirt. Being honest I'm still a virgin. " d-draco stop" he looked at me in my eyes " what?" he said as he played with my clit slowly. " i- I'm a virgin.." Draco looked at me " surprising riddle very surprising" he stopped and gave me my shirt back " I have to go" I ran out running into the twins " I'm so sorry!" George and Fred looked at each other. George picked me up and put me over his shoulder " what are we doing?" I said not panicking at all " well me and Georgie thought of something fun" I looked at Fred " like what?" I looked confused " well let's say Paris with both of us" I slammed my head in Georges back embarrassed. I didn't care if I lost my virginity to them I would love to actually. " Fred what do you think our room the bathroom or room of requirements?" I wanted to answer and did " I pick you're room to be comfortable"

" she's right George it would be more comfortable for her um how many times have you done this?" I looked at Fred still being held by George " my first time but I don't mind to lose it to you two" Fred and George started laughing.

When we got to there room George put me down on his bed.

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