A boat!

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Grace tried harder and harder to try and reach the ladder. She felt like it was a lost case, that she will drown.

Until she saw someone grabbing her by the arm, she grabbed Gibson and she startes to swim with all her force.

They got out of the boat and took a deep breath before jjmping again in te cols water.

They started swimming over where they saw a huge ship, they swammed as fast as they could. Grace looked at the sky and saw a destruyer, she knew that it was going to bomb the ship. She tried saying to the two guys that they needed to go out of there, that it will be dangourus, but they couldnt hear because of the loud noise of the planes.

The ship was going, down and now they where all covered in oil, which maked them half blinded.

"Lets get out of here!" Said Grace, again. But the boys didnt hear yet.
Grace looked up to the sky and saw that they where throwing a bomb, Gibson saw it too, and they both went underwater. Grace realized the boy was still outside so she grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to the water.

When they got out Grace said "Look! A boat!"

The other boy looked at her and said "but the ship!" She couldnt recognize him because of the oil.

"Its destroyed, lets go to the boat!"

They all swimmed to the boat, and they pulled Gibson and Grace.

Grace noticed that the boy wasnt there so she turned around and saw someone that was trying to go in the boat, as a blond man screamed "Go!GO GO GO!". She grabbed the hand of the soldier, and hold on hard, then came a boy with blond hair and a red shirt.

They finally got the boy in the boat and he collapsed in the floor whiled he say "take me home".

Grace looked at the boy and said "thanks".

"If you dont mind me asking" said the man. "Why are you here? In war?"

"Oh, my parents where killed ,so I asked three soldiers I found to see if I couls come with them. One died in a ship, the other went insane for a moment and I dont know where he is. And I dlnt know where is the other one...."

"Maybe they are in the boat, the two, lets look for them"

They went to the deck, and saw atound 20 mans sitting over there. Grace looked around and recognized Alex, but she was still looking for Tommy.

She was outside talking with the boy, who he introduced himself as Peter, and then came another boy that was named George, Grace couldnt find Tommy yet.

She heard as if someone was walking towards her, she heard that someone screamed her name, and turned around in a rush of seconds.

As soon as she turned she felt someone hugging her.

"Thanks, thanks for not letting me stay behind"

She didnt knew who it was, until he pushed back.

"Tommy! You are here!"

"Yeah, thanks to you"

"Thank you so much! You saved me of drowning! Multiple times!"

She gaved him another hug and then he left to talk with Alex.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Said Peter.

"No, he is one of the soldiers that brought me here. He took care of me all along..."

"You really do look like a couple (😌)"

"Oh, well then"

Grace kept talking with the two boys, when she realized, where was she going to live? She didnt live in England"

"By the way, we want to know more about you! Where are you from?"

"Oh yeah, I am French, I was born in Dunkirk and had lived there all 18 years of my live"

"Do you have any place too stay at England?"



They where all walking througb the train station, and an old man was giving out food and blankets to all the soldiers.

"All we did was survive..." said Alex to the man.

"That is enough!"

Alex went away with a disgusted look, Grace was behind Tommy and noticed that the man was actually blind.

They all stepped in the trains Gibson sat with some other soldiers, and Grace sat with the other two boys.

When Grace looked at the window she saw that Tommy was asleep.

"That old man wouldnt wven look us in the eye." Said Alex.

"That is because he was blind." Said Grace in a whisper.


The next morning they waked up at the train station, Grace was woked up because Alex was screaming to some children yo bring him the newspaper.

"You read it" said Alex, handing the newspaper over to Tommy.


"They'll spit at us" said Alex, and Grace zoomed out when he was finishing his sentence.

"Wars are not won by evacuations" started Tommy.

There was an old man knocking the window, he was giving beer and food. Alex hidded from the man, Tommy looked at him and kepr reading.

"But there was a victory inside this deliverance which should be noticed..."

Alex turned around and saw rhe man grinning, he was impressed, so as Grace.

"Our thankfullness at the escape of our army, must not blind us to the fact that what has happened in France....is a colossal military disaster..."

Alex opened the window and grabbed the two beers and the food from the men, and gave him a smile.

"And we must expect another blow to be struck almost immediately. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France. We shall fight on the seas and oceans...
We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air..
We shall defend our island.."

"What?" Said Alex, he couldnt hear him because of the people who where celebrating outside. Tommy continued, speaking louder this time.

"We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be - we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds...
We shall fight in the fields and the streets...
We shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender...
And even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island... were
subjugated and starving..."

Grace and Alex both looked at him, ñeacefully reading the newspaper

"Then our empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British fleet, would carry on the struggle...
Until, in God's good time...
The New World, with all its power
and might.Steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old".

He raises his view from the newspaper and stares st Grace.


I dont know if I should finish this story here, or if I should add something else. I know I chamged some deaths but, I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH.

I also decided to leave here the ending scene where Tommy reads the newspaper. Why? Because why not?

Lets aprecciated the beautifull voices of Fionn and Harry😌

Well bye

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