Its dangerous!

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Grace woked up at the sound of someone screaming, she screamed

"Oh, we waked you up. Sorry"

Grace looked at them with a disgusted face. She loved sleeping, it took all her problems away, in some kind of way.
"Give me some water of yours, please" she said while extending her hand as she got handed the bottle.

"Thank you"

Alex stand up hurriedly
"What is it?!" Said Grace.

"Highlanders,  they are higlanders! HEY HIGHLANDERS" he said as he runnes towardsa group of some 9 or 10 boys.

"Where are you going?" Said Alex as they arrived.

"See that boat, she isnt floating, but she will in a few hours when the water rises." Said the leader.

The group kept walking, but Grave stayed behind.

"What happened, arent you coming?" Said Tommy from the distance.

Grace shaked her head as Tommy came to her.

"Why arent you coming? "

"Its dangerous. I feel like something bad will happen." She said.

"Cmon, nothing will happen. We will be safe" said Tommy as he continued forward, expecting the girl to follow him.

"Qu'est-il arrivé? pourquoi ne viens-tu pas?" (What happened? Arent you coming?) Asked Gibson.

"Je ne veux pas, mais vous partez tous. Je me sens donc un peu obligé de vous accompagner." (I dont want to, but all of you are going. So I feel kind of pressured to go with you.) Said Grace, looking at the sand she was kicking.

"Pourquoi? vous ne vous sentez pas en sécurité?" (Why? You dont feel safe?)

"Le bateau. le bateau est dans le périmètre des ennemis. J'ai l'impression que quelque chose de mauvais va se passer et que nous ne nous échapperons pas." (the boat. the boat is in the enemies perimeter. I feel like something bad will happen and we would not escape.) Responded the girl.

"Ne vous inquiétez pas, nous prendrons soin de vous." ( dont worry, we will take care of you).

They proceeded together to the boat, snd took a seat next to the others.

"Hey you, go outside and see the tide." Alex pointed at Gibson, but Gibson refused.

"Man of few words heh?"

Tommy standed up and went for the stairs.

"What are you doing!?" Said Grace.

"Im going to check the tide."

"No. Dont go out there, is dangerous..."

"I will, be fine"

Grace went back to the olace where she was seated as Tommy returned.

"Is barely coming in" said the young boy.

"For fucks sake" said Alex.

"Calm dude." Said one of the highlanders. "It might start coming soon."

"Yeah, but how many hours? Huh?"

Everyone ignored Alex and started to take a rest.

They woked up a couple of hours later by a pair of footsteps.

HellOooOoo, how are youu???
I hope great.

I havent uploaded since a few days ago, and I wasnt thinking of uploading. But here I am ajaja.

I reallu hopw you are liking this story. I putted somehow a lot of effort in this one (even if it is too short), me having a headache, having cramps and having an allergy is not a good combination aajjj💀💀.

Oh, Isabella. Belleza, si estás leyendo esto, acuerdate que el Fionn es mio

OKAY, how is it that Tom has more body than most of us😭😭💀💀Okay bye

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OKAY, how is it that Tom has more body than most of us😭😭💀💀
Okay bye

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