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Grace woked up at the sight of the bright sun, the light hurting her eyes.

"Oh, see who is awake" said a boy not so much away.

"We have been waiting for hours for you to get up" continued Alex.

She heard someone running and saw one of the other boys, who had saved her a couple of hours ago "are you okey?!"

"Yeah, or so I think, I have a little headage. What happened?"

"Well, you got on a ship that went down, and got hit by a bullet, when we get you out of the water you fainted, so we try to bring you here, as fast as we could" continued the boy

"Thanks ,Tommy"

She looked around and saw that they were being board to a small boat.
"What are this boats for?" She asked.

"They are getting us in them, to then take us to another ship" said Jack.

"Great, lets get going!" Said Grace while trying to stand up. But was unsuccesfull and falled down.

"Hey, be carefull with yourself, you just got cured"

The boys helped her up and made their way to the boat.

They reached a large ship, and the boys helped Grace clkmb the nets.
A lady greetes them and gave them life jackets. "Oh sorry, sweetheart. The life savers are only for the soldiers" she said, and Grace gave her a disgusted look.

When they where down Tommy turned around and said "here, take mine, you need it more than I do".

"No, you heard the lady. Besides Im fine. But thanks"

They went around grabbing some toasts and teas. When Grace remembered that she hadnt thanked the boy for saving her life earlier.

"Hey, umm.....Thanks for saving me of not drowning" she said kind of incomfurtable.

"Oh, that was not me...." said Tommy. "That was Gibson."

Grace turned around, clearly as red as a tomatoe, and after a couple of second hears Alex say
"Hey, where is your friend?"

Tommy looked around, same as Jack and Grace, but couldnt find Gibson in the crowd of soldiers.

"He is looking for a safe way out" said Tommy "in case we go down."

Alex agreed and kept eating, as same as the others.

Grace saw that some of the soldiers were starting to get some rest. She thought of doing the same, but was scared that something would happen yo this ship.

A couple of minutes later the crowd cheered, because they were finally getting out of that horrible place. Grace was now calmed and decided to sit down. When she finally was going to fall asleep, she heard the word, the wors she was most frightened to hear at that moment.


Omg, this is like really really short. I apologize for thatt💀💀💀💀💀.

I have been sick all day, and I start trimestrals this week, BUT THEN I FINISH SCHOOL!!!
I dont know if I will still upload two chapters per day, maybe only 1 (just like today)

Thanks, again, for reading this. I apprecciate it💞💞

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