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Grace, Tommy, Gibson and Alex where walking through the station, people came to them and congratulate the soldiers, even though they didnt win, but escaped alive.

"Hey, Grace! Gibson!"

Grace turned around, and saw that the brunnete was calling her, but she didnt see Gibson, maybe he headed off to pick up some food.

"What happened, Tommy?"

"Do you know anyone that lives here in England?"

"No, all my family lived in France. Why the question?"

"Well, I was thinking that maybe you would like to come and live with me?"

"No no no, I really dont want to bother anyone"

"Dont worry, my family wouldnt care. They will understand your situation"

"Fine then" said Grace with a small smile.


"Come in!"

Said a voice from inside the house, Grace was uncomfortable and she didnt care to speak about it.

"Im not feeling comfortable...."sakd Grace.

"Dont worry, I told you that they will understand"

Grace nodded, and procedeed to walk in as Tommy opened the door.

Everyone in the house went to congratulate him, and told him about how much they missed him.

"Who is her?" Said a little girl.

"Oh, this is Grace.....she lived in Dunkirk, and she helped us, her parents were killed and she doesnt know where the rest of her family is. So we brough her to England, and I offer her to stay at our home, but she didnt really wanted to at first"

They all looked at Grace, who was looking down to the floor trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"And why didnt you want to stay. Grace?"

"...........I.... I didnt want to stay because I didnt wanted to disrupt ya'll....."

"Oh no, that is fine....we understand your situation, my mother and father were killed when I was 15. By the way, how old sre you girl?"

'I am 18, just turned 18 years old 4 months ago."

"Oh look, you have almost got the same age as Tommy......what a coincidence" said the woman with a little laugh at the end.

Tommy guided her upstairs, and went to one of the rooms.

"This is the visits room, you can stay here if you wish"


"See, I told you they will understand what was happening, now you can call this place "Home""


"Yes, of course you can."

Grace burst into tears as she heard that she would have a "home" after a long time.

"What happened?" Said the boy.

"I....is just that In the war I thought that I will die and will never have a home.......thank you....for everything"

"Is the least I could do after you helped me going all of those days in the war"

The girl gaved him a hug, while she tried to stop crying.

"But the war isnt over yet..."

Grace looked up and saw that slmeone was entering the room, she pushed back in a rush because of panic.

"Tommy.....that is NOT much of a help to make the girl stop crying."


"There is food downstairs, you can come and eat with the rest of the family if you want."

Both nooded, and started to go downstairs.

"After all....you were like a sunshine to me......" said the boy.



No, this is seriously rhe end hahahaj.

Okey short resume of what happened sfter the end of the story: Grace and Tommy got married after 5 years, they had three babies, one named Jack, the other named Oliver, and the other one named Ginny😌. Im just kidding....well bye

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