Where is the ship?

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Grace looked everywhere and tried to see if she could recognize the boys.

She heard someone screaming a couple of yards away "where is our bloody air force?!".

She ran looking for the two soldiers "Jack!" She said turning to see the blonde boy.

"Grace! I thought you didnt make it out, we where looking for you and Tommy all over the place, where were you?"

" I cant explain right now, I am looking for Tommy and Gibson, they were with me before the bomber arrived."


"Yeah Gibson, now helo me look for Tommy, maybe then we will find Gibson. Where is Alex though?"

"Oh, Alex got on that ship"

Grace looked over to the mole and saw the ship Jack was talking about, and began searching again for Tommy.

"Tommy!" They shouted as they saw the boy looking for them, covered in dirt.

"What happened to you mate?" Said Jack.

"A bomb fell a couple of metera aeay from me" he said while trying to clean his hair.

"Do you know where Gibson is?" Said Grace.


They kept walking and saw that there where injured people getting carried to the ship. The three looked at each other and started running to where they had lefted some of the injured mans.

They found Gibson walking over to them.

"Gibson, we have an idea" said Grace. "We can blend in while taking these stretchers too the ship."

Gibson nodded his head and took the end of one stretcher as Tommy grabbed the other. They began running to catch the ship as Jack and Grace looked for one. They grabbed one strecher and started running to cathc up with Tommy and Gibson.

After a few minutes the where trying to go through the French soldiers that couldnt get on the line to board a ship.

They passed and the British soldier who was keeping them out of the mole said to the boys "2 minutes, you've missed it". They didnt cared and continued as they heard the French shouting why they could pass. As they where trying to get pass the crowd of British soldiers they started throwing bombs again. They reached a point of the mole where there was only one plank to get through, one of the soldiers saw them and said "take a run at it". The group took a deep breath, and runnes the plank trying to keep their balance. When they made it to the other side they heard cheering and clapping from the other soldiers. They runned as fast as they could and reaches the ship.

"What are you 4 doing here. Get off." Said one of the soldiers in the boat.

An officer saw that they didnt want to go and started saying to them "You three, of you go. Of you go!"
The group started coming off the ship, but the officer stopped the scared girl "No, you stay. And make yourself usefull" she went back to the ship and started helping some nurses.

She was going to England! But what about her new mates? Will they be save?

Grace staryed hearing the bombs that the germans were throwing at the ship, a few seconds later they started firing bullets. She got hitted by one of them, but at that moment she could only think of a way to get out of there.

She jumped of the ship, and heard the commander shouting that they cant risk the ship sinking next to the mole.
Her heart raced as she started loosing blood, she did her best to get close to the place where she saw some soldiers.

She saw the ship comming to them, maybe going to crush them all. Tjis was it, this was going to be her las breath. She closed her eyes and felt someone pulling her to the mole, wqs someone really putting their live in danger to save her?

The last thing she remembered was her screaming of the pain as she began to faint. And the touch of someone holding her.

Ohhh, short chapter💀💀💀💀💀

I just realized I didnt put a picture of how Grace looked like

I just realized I didnt put a picture of how Grace looked like

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So that is kind of what Grace is supposed to look like.
I hope you are enjoying this story!!

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