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Grace felt her lungs burn because of the lax of oxygen. She didnt knew if they would make it out, she turned and look at the exit which was closed. This couldnt be happening they where all going to die.

She saw some light coming up from the exit and swam as fast as she could. She reached it and jump the farthest away from that boat, she saw Gibson climbing into a boat.

"OI, let me come with you. Please!" She said in a hurry to the leader of the boat. "Im sorry we are full."


"Does she have a life saver?"

She heard one of the soliders reply "no sir, she hasnt", she saw Gibson coming down of the boat and whispering to her "tu peux prendre ma place" (you can take my place). She looked at him and nodded.
She saw that they had pulled a rope for the young man. She looked at it and also saw Alex and Tommy with them.

Where was Jack?

Grace thought that he was maybe at another boat, and they would see him at the coast.

They arrived at the coast, and Grace asked the two boys "Hey, do you know where Jack is?".

The boys looked at each other, and didnt say anything.

"Guys, is something wrong? Where is Jack?!"

The boys looked at each other again, and nodded their heads.

"Jack...Jack didnt make it out" said Alex.

Grace felt horrible, absolutely terrible. Maybe they could hace saved him. But now he was gone.

"no...NO.... HE CANT BE DEAD!" , said Grace as tears escaped her eyes. Tommy came and gave her a warm hug, but nothing maked her feel any better. She just kept crying, feeling that it was her fault that he had died.

I am literally so fucking SORRY that this was so fucking short.

I literally cried writting this chapter, Jack was my favorite character, and I had a debate with myself if I sloud have killed him or not.

Its 1 a.m and I just finished 2 trimestrals and 2 Homeworks, I decided to do a chapter.

I know is so shitty, but maybeI will edit it another day.

I know is so shitty, but maybeI will edit it another day

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I will leave this here and back up slowly

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