Is everything alright?!

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" Hey, are you awake?" Grace was woked up by one of the soldiers who where with here, she couldnt recognize which because she was tired and still a bit sleepy.

" there any problem?"
Grace said while trying to realize which one of the boys it was, she looked at him and saw some beautifull green eyes staring at her.

"Uhm, there is not any problem. We just wanted to know if, maybe, there was any water."

"yeah, I think there might be some water over there, at that corner." Said the Girl with brunette hair and blue eyes, pointing at the corner at the end of the basement.

She saw the boy standing up and went back to sleep, hopefully, maybe she wont be awakened again.

She woked up a couple of minutes later, and saw that all the boy where up.

"Morning" said Jack, as she began to stand up.

"Morning. By any chance, do you still have some of the water you looked earlier?"

"Yeah, here you go" said one of the young boys handing her over the water.

She took a small gulp, and went to look for some beans. Fucking beans, she was hating every single day here more and more.

"Umm....I dont know if you hate beans, but I have a couple, do you want some?"

"Yes please! Oh, I have been wanting to have something to eat for 2 entire days"

"Wait, you boys havent gotten anything to eag in 2 days?!"

"Yeah, I supposed war is like this, not eating anything for days, and hoping you wont be killed.."

Grace stared at the three boys who where eating their beans, af if they havent eaten anything in a whole lifetime. Well, they havent had food in days, that musy have been like hell.

"If you want to stay more time, I have no problem" she heard herself said, she wasnt planning on saying those words, they just escaped her lips.

"Oh, thanks. But we had other plans" said the oldest of the 3 soldiers, or that is what Grace thought.

"Yeah, Alex is right" said the boy who asked for the water earlier, Tommy, who seem to be the youngest.

"We where planning on going today to the dunkirk beach, maybe we will have the chance to finally get out of here." continued Tommy.

"Can I please come? I have been wanting to get out of this place for so many time, I have been wanting every minute of this whole war, to get out of this place I used to call home"

"Where are your parents?" asked Jack.

"My parents.....they, uhmm" Grace struggled to say this words, it hurt her, but knew that if she was going to trust this soldiers, she must tell the truth.
"My parents died a few months ago.." she said, " they were caught by german soldiers, and where executed"

Jack looked at her, and must have seen that she was almost starting to cry, "Im sorry Grace, I shouldnt had asked"

"Its okay, at the end, it was my choice to tell you. And there is nothing we can do abou it."

"Uhm...if you dont mind me asking" said Grace, "how old are you three?"

The lot looked at her in confussion, since just a moment ago they where talking about their dead parents.

"I am twenty" said Jack, which made the two others boys say something.

" I am twenty-three" said Alex.

"Well, uhm... I am nineteen...." said Tommy, who later asked " and, how old are you Grace?"

Grace looked at him and thought for a moment, she did remembered how old she was, but was confused

"I....... I am......... I am eighteen years old" she said.

They all looked at each other, and standes up
" Well, are you coming with us Grace?"

"Yes! Yes please!" She said standing up and grabbing all the things she thought she would need.

"Well, If you are coming with us you cant come wearing that. Hey Tommy! Do you, for any casuality, have another pair of robes?"
Tommy started looking in his bag,
"Yeah, I do have one, why?"

"Give it to me then" said Jack

"But why? You already have yours?"

"Oh, I dont know maybe because we cant be seen in the streets with someone wearing a dress" said Jack.

Tommy understood what he was trying to say, he went to Rose and gave her the robes that he had on his bag. She knew that they had choose Tommy because he was the youngest, and had almost the same body shape as her. Even though she still felt that the clothes where slowly coming down, but she didnt care, she knew it was just her imagination.

"Well lets get going out of here" said Jack.

Grace couldnt believe it, the place she wanted to leave so bad during months was going to be a part of her memory soon. She hoped she will never see these place again, but she will have to admit to herself that she spent wonderfull times in this place before the war came.

Oh, that was kind of a shitty chapter, well I hope you liked it, if you want to make any suggestions go ahead. I am okey with constructive criticism. Well, Im going to try and updste tommorow, since is already 12:31 a.m in mu country, and tommorow I jave school💀💀

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