Run! Now, RUN!

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Grace had been walking through the streets of dunkirk, with Tommy ,Alex and Jack.
They where seeing every corner to see if there could be any german soldiers.

"Stop!I saw people ahead" said Jack.

Grace watched, and after a couple of seconds said "We are fine, they are english"

"How do you know that?" Said a confused Alex

"Just see their clothes. See? They are the same as ours"

"And what if they are german soldiers that killed the englishs, and know they are wearing a uniform as a death trap."

"They arent, just trust me" said Grace, who was about to walk to the soldiers, but was pulled back by some of the 3.

" No Grace, it is dangerous, stay here" said Tommy, as he proceded to do what the girl was doing a couole of seconds ago.

After a few moments Tommy came back and told them that the boys, indeed, were British soldiers. Now the group proceded to ask them what happened.

"We where looking for the Dunkirk beach, but got lost"

"I know the way, after all this is my home town. You can follow us, if you want to"

The boys agreed and they continued their track. They stopped for some air. We watched as some papers fall from above us. Tommy collecting them. Some of the knew boys we had found in the way was looking over a window of a store. Grace didnt know why, but she was uninteresed. She was going to see what Jack was doing when she started hearing guns.

"RUN!" she heard one of the boys shouting. They all started to run, hearing how some of them had been shoted, and scared that they will be the next. There was a door blocking their way, but that wouldnt stop them of wanting to survive. The three boys threw their guns over the fence and jumped, Grace struggled getting through the door, but she fighted to pull herself up, and she acheived it.

Tommy was trying to load his gun, but he was struggling at it because of the nerve. He load the gun and shoot, without focusing on a target. Then they both saw that Jack and Alex where already gone, maybe they where at the beach by now.

Grace was paralized at this point, fear was taking over her. Before she could do anything Tommy grabbed her arm and pulled her over a fence so they could get out of there.

Out of that place they where running to the beach, Grace had forgotten that there where Frenches protecting the beach. They heard again the bullets, this time from the frenches thinking they were intruders.

"English" Tommy shouted. He could be heard because of all the fire.

"ANGLAIS" Grace shouted with all her force.

The french stopped and let them pass.
"Bon voyage" said one of the soldiers, pushong the pair.

Grace felt bad for all these men, they maybe had a family, and needed to risk their life to save the british asses.

When they arrived at the beach they saw hundreds of soldier standing in the sand, waiting to be evacuated.

They went to the back of the beach, and Tommy sayed that he would be gone for a while.

Grace stared at the destroyed beach, and all the poor soldiers.

A lot of time had passed which maked Grace preocupated, she then went running to see if anything had happened. She saw the boy and another soldier burying someone, Grace didnt thinked it twice, and went help the boys. She noticed that the boy was French, since she had seen him around the area, before the war started.

Tommy didnt noticed it though. When Tommy left she stayed to talk to the boy.

"Bonjour, mon nom est Grace. Qui est le vôtre?" (Hello, my name is Grace. What is yours?) Said Grace.

"Attends, comment sais-tu que je suis français?" (Wait, how do you know I am French?) Said the boy that she didnt knew yet what was his name.

oh oui, est-ce qu'avant le début de la guerre, je vous ai vu dans ce domaine." (Oh right, is that before war started I saw you around the are) she said.

"Eh bien, dans ce cas. mon nom est gibson ravi de vous rencontrer. mais s'il vous plaît, ne dites à personne que je suis français." (Well in that case, my name is Gibson, pleasure to mert you. Just pleade dont tell anyone I am french) said the boy woth a worried look.

Grace nodded, and told him that he could trust her.

Later on they went with Tommy. They where walking and seeing the lines, Tommy stood behind a soldier, but the soldiers told them to go away.

They heard a disturbing noise heading towards them, they looked up and saw a luftwaffe bomber, they started to look around and saw the soldiers running and pushing all of them, Grace lost the two boys from view, and then was pushed by someone to the floor. The bombs had stopped, she started to get to her feet, and looked for the boys, where are they?

Well, I didnt knew where to end this chapter💀💀💀. My mind stopped working at thw middle of it ajajaj. Well, I hope you liked it, if not you can comment, but without hate please😁
Fun fact: I should be doing my homework righ now

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