Chapter 6: Where is Cupid When You Need Him?

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It felt like hours, when in reality it was just under an hour when we reunited with Harry and the others. As we made our way to the Apothecary and a couple other places, I still couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching us. I glanced over at Mr. Clark. His steps were more stiff than earlier and he was looking around almost every minute.

    It wasn't until we reach Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes when my sixth sense calmed. A quick glance at Mr. Clark confirmed my suspicions as his body eased, but he was still searching the crowds.

    The others gaped at the store and it took me a moment to remember that this was their first time visiting Fred and George's joke shop. I kept to myself that this was my second time visiting this week.

    We walked in, not surprised that it was crowded. Our group was captivated by the shop and it took them a minute to figure out where to look first. Zendaya and I immediately headed towards the glitter basin since it was off to the side of the shop's main room and we can survey the others. I watched Sirius laugh at all the jokes, completely baffled and amazed. I can only guess that he was in trickster heaven. Even Mr. Clark was taken aback by the store and was inspecting things, especially the decoy detonators.

    Zendaya chuckled. "You would have thought they have never seen a joke shop before."

    "I love it," I laughed. "I wish I can live here."

    She raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you sure it's just because of the jokes?"

    My face burned. "Maybe it's part of it," I reluctantly admitted.

    I spotted Harry and Hermione at the dream charm display. Hermione's purple eye flashed a variety of colors underneath the lights. Which reminded me...

    "Give me a sec." I slipped through the customers to Hermione.

    "This really is extraordinary magic," she said, almost in awestruck.

    "Leave it to the twins to come up with something brilliant, right?" I grinned.

    The hand brushed my back, but I immediately knew who it was as I looked back to beamed up at Fred.

    "For that, Hermione, you can have one for free," he said with wide grin. Beside him, George was beaming at us

    They greeted Harry and Hermione when Fred noted her bruised eye.

    "It was one of your punching telescopes," I answered. "You left a stash of them back at the Burrow. Do you have any of that paste on you?"

    "Blimey! Forgot about those." He dug into his pocket, produced a tub, and handed it to her. "Just dab that on it and that bruise will be gone in the hour."

    She looked at the paste with uncertainty.

    "It's safe," I assured her. "Trust me, I got hit with one of those things and the paste works."


    "Speaking of 'safe', I got something for you in the back, Aims," Fred said with a nudge and a devious smirk.

    "Should I be concerned?"

    He only winked. I rolled my eyes at him and followed him through the shop and to the very back in the storage room. Once the door closed Fred scooped an arm around me, pulled me close, and kissed me. His fingers intertwined with mine as he pressed against me, pinning me to the wall.

    I let myself fall into the kiss for a minute and allowing my heart to skip in my chest. When I pulled back, I slapped his arm, but was trying, and failing, to not laughing.

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