Chapter 5: Paternal Frustrations

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A few days later, I sat on the steps as Order members made their way through Grimmauld towards the meeting room. A few of them smiled in greeting as they walked past me, but most were too involved in a discussion with another Order member that they missed me.

"There's more chatter than usual," I noted aloud from my seat

Sirius stood at the bottom of the steps. He said he wanted to greet the other members, but I knew he was really standing there to make sure I didn't do anything, like sneak into the meeting.

"Remember that member I told you about?" He asked under his breath.

"The one that's been in the Order, but no one knew?"

He nodded. "He's coming tonight and Kingsley is bringing him."

"And what are the chances of me sitting in on the meeting and meeting the guy?"

"Zero," he answered with a smile after greeting Dedalus Diggle.

"It's so unfair." I pouted. "I deserve to be there just as much as you."

"Maybe when you turn seventeen, I'll consider it, but you are sixteen and underage and living under my roof. So, the answer is no."

"You know, parenting doesn't look good on you," I muttered.

"Really? I think it looks wonderful!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his own out.

The door opened and Tonks entered. She tripped over the threshold as she scurried in, and by how heavy she was breathing, you would have thought she ran all the way here.

"Wotcher Aims," she grinned before disappearing down the hall and into the meeting room.

Sirius glanced at his watch and turned to me, his mouth open, but I waved my hand.

"Yeah, yeah, to my room I'll go." I trudged up the steps. I already knew what I was going to do for the evening, so I stopped by my room to grab my guitar, and headed to Granny Black's room where Buckbeak waited. I passed Hank's room and stopped to hear if there was any movement. I heard the shuffling of things moved around, so I took it as a good sign of him being okay.

The hippogriff looked up as I walked in. Before I stepped any closer, I bowed. He bowed back. I petted his beak and ran my hand over his feathers.

"Mind if I practice in here for a bit?" I asked, holding up my guitar.

He made a little noise that I assumed was a 'no'. I sat against the wall next to him and started strumming a few chords. I hummed along to the acoustic melody, unsure of the words I sang. Buckbeak seemed to like the music as he rested his head on my legs and closed his eyes.

My mind wandered to who the mysterious Order member could be. The main reason I sat near the door was to do a headcount and see who all had come and who hadn't. As far I knew, Kingsley and Mrs. Weasley were the only ones that didn't show up. Kingsley being late since he's bringing the other member and Mrs. Weasley since she's keeping an eye on her children and Harry and Hermione.

Sirius suggested I go to the Burrow while the meeting went on, but I refused and mentioned something along the lines of wanting to play my guitar and try to figure out the words to one of my nameless melodies that I usually find myself playing. I wasn't the best in writing songs, but there was something about this one melody that requested words to be paired with it.

I bit my lip and looked at Buckbeak. "How does this sound?" I strummed the beginning chords before singing the first few verses:

Old country roads

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