Chapter 8: I Pity the Fish

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"Leave it to Black to give Slytherin a late start," Pansy Parkinson sneered aloud to her friends, once the start of term feast ended. Through the chatter of bustling students making their way to their respective common rooms, Pansy must have thought it was the perfect time to announce to the rest of the Slytherin House that I already costed Slytherin twenty points. How on earth did she found out? I don't know- actually, I have a pretty good idea. More like a greasy idea.

Pansy continued sneering as me and my friends walked by. "Seriously, why is she even in this House?"

"Shouldn't you be making some first-year cry, Parkinson?" I retorted. "I thought that was your specialty?"

"Blood traitor."

"Rather be a blood traitor than a stuck up bi-"

"I think that's enough for now." Zendaya slapped a hand over my mouth. "There are children present and teachers nearby."

I swatted her hand away. "Fine. Fine. Fair point."

Pansy laughed, but it was in that mocking way at Zendaya. "Looks like you finally got a leash on that dog, Clark."

"Que te folle un pez, Parkinson!" I snapped.

"What?" Pansy laughed again, but gave me a weird look.

Zendaya forcefully turned me around and directed me out of the Great Hall.

"What are you doing?" I protested. "I was just getting started!"

She sighed. "I don't know what you just said, but I have a feeling it was far from nice. Also, cursing in another language that no one understands is still cursing."

I crossed my arms and huffed. "So?"

My friend only shook her head and continued pushing me out of the Hall until Pansy was out of sight. Once out of the Great Hall, we followed the rest of the Slytherins down towards the Slytherin dungeon.

"Glad to see that summer didn't dampen that spitfire of yours," Harold snorted.

Zendaya glared at him. "You're not helping the situation."

"What? I'm just saying that after everything that's happened, it's nice to see Aimee being herself."

It was like something jerked the world from underneath me and all thoughts of terrorizing Pansy evaporated only to be replaced with an ache in my chest. It took everything within me not to think about Mom today. There were a few times my thoughts almost slipped, but the company of my friends was able to help push it back.

Zendaya's glare hardened. "Harold!"

He frowned, but when he glanced back to me his eyes widened. "Bloody- I'm sorry, Aimee. I wasn't thinking."

I took a breath and flashed them a smile and hoped it came off genuine. "It's fine. Really."

An uneasiness suddenly washed over me as I got the sense someone was watching at me. I glanced back and met the grey eyes of Draco Malfoy. His pale brows were furrowed and he had a small frown on his face. However, when our eyes met, his head jerked aside and immediately started talking to Crabbe.


We made our way down to the Slytherin Dungeon and through the door into the Common Room.

Slytherins may not have the highest tower in Hogwarts like Gryffindor. Nor do they have the best view of the grounds like Ravenclaw. Nor are they close to the kitchens like Hufflepuff. What they did have, however, was the best view underneath the Great Lake.

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