Chapter 15: The Darkest Day

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I'm pretty sure if I was a book character, readers would be yelling at me on what's wrong with me.

I'm going to be honest: I don't know. I blame whoever is writing this insanity.

Even after talking with Theodore, I still kept my distance from my friends. But I did think about what he said and talking to at least Zendaya. I would catch her glancing over at me and biting her lip, but she didn't talk to me unless it was class-related. Arthur was the same way, though, he acted like nothing happened and one day he asked how I was doing while passing by. Arthur sure is an odd duck, but I found it nice nonetheless, especially since it gave the idea that he doesn't harbor resentment against me for Cora.

As for Harold would either ignore me or keep an eye on me when he thought I wasn't looking. We haven't spoken since that night he accused me, and considering the couple times our eyes caught and he would huff an look away, I could only assume he was still riding the suspicion train.

The week of the Hogsmeade trip came and I still couldn't decide if I wanted to go just to get out of the castle and from prying eyes, or just lock myself up in the girls' dormitory. Both have their pros and cons. At least I had until the morning of the Hogsmeade trip to decide. Besides, I had other things to worry about in the meantime.

Like making myself have a vision.

I have to be the worst Seer in history. Theodore did mention that past visions should be easier to enter. However, by the surprised look on his face when I told him that I still couldn't see into the past willingly, I take it that it shouldn't be taking this long. Which was infuriating. I mean, I'm doing everything he's told me to do, yet I get nothing. Only glimpses of visions from out of nowhere and dreams of the most random things.

I'm not even joking. I got a dream-vision a few nights after talking to Theodore of Ron clipping his toenails.

And Theodore said all visions have some meaning. Can someone please tell me how Ronald Weasley clipping his toenails is supposed to have meaning? Because I sure don't!

But the Thursday night leading to Hogsmeade, I decided to take a break from the Seer stuff. I took a little jog around the Clocktower Courtyard while everyone was at dinner, then went to bed early that night before any of the other girls returned to the dormitory. I knew the next day was going to be long, so I wanted to get as much rest as I could.

I instantly passed out and remembered dreaming about laying on a beach with Chris Hemsworth rubbing tanning lotion on my back as he talked like Thor. I'm not all about the beach aesthetic, but I couldn't say no to the god of thunder. I mean, would you? Didn't think so.

The ocean was as blue as the sky. It was almost like a giant mirror. The white sand beach was deserted and the only sounds that filled the air were the waves. Which was strange since I couldn't actually see waves anywhere. I closed my eyes and took in the beauty of the world around me. I don't even think I've been this much at peace in months.


My eyes flew open and I searched the beach. That sounded like a woman's voice, yet there was no woman in sight. I gave it a minute before resting my head back on my arms and closing my eyes.

"You're joking, right?"

Yup, I definitely heard a woman's voice. I opened my eyes again to look around, but I wasn't on the beach anymore. Instead I was standing on a stone patio outside of a grand, four-story house. I don't even think it should even be considered a house and more like some manor with how huge it was. The white stone walls shone underneath the midday sun, the tall windows, veiled by dark blue curtains. The patio was long and wide, decorated with stone and black-iron benches, potted shrubs, and a few small, round tables.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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