Chapter 13: The Pale Dragon

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My weekend was spent in solitude as I actively kept my distance from Zendaya, Arthur, and Harold. I knew I should to talk to them about that night of accusations, but part of me still didn't want to revisit it just yet. Zendaya has tried to catch my attention, but I would just shake my head at her and continue on. When classes picked backed up on Monday, I dreaded Potions as Zendaya and I normally sit together at our own little table. However, Harry slid into the seat across from us that day, completely surprising me.

"I thought we were attempting this cousin thing, right?" He murmured.

"We are, but it's still a little surprise."

Malfoy still kept his distance from me, but still watched when he thought I wasn't looking. I've been keeping tabs on him since my realization that he probably knows that I'm a Seer, and I've noticed that he's been watching me a lot.

And that irritated me. A lot.

If the boy knew I'm a Seer, then why was he taking this long to confront me? Does he think I don't know that he knows? Or is he scared of me? I wouldn't put it past him if he was. Malfoy is all talk but no bite.

So, instead of confronting my friends about their accusations, I decided to confront Malfoy to see what all he knows. After all, if he's going to try to pull something on me, I should warn him that it won't work and to keep to his attempts of killing Dumbledore. And, like I said, I wasn't ready to talk to my friends about that night.

On the following Thursday afternoon I ended up following Malfoy after Transfiguration. He kept glancing back, checking if he was being followed, but I was discreet. I hid behind corners, tapestries, and suites of armor. He was heading for the seventh floor. Possibly to the Room of Requirement? He should be repairing the Vanishing Cabinet that's in there.

Besides, following him can help me make sure things are going as originally planned. Because if he's not repairing that Vanishing Cabinet, then we're all screwed.

He made his way up to the seventh floor and to the corridor where Room of Requirement hid. He came to a stop and glanced around. I hid behind a corner about ten yards from him. I glanced behind me to make sure no one was coming my way and found it deserted. Then again, I wouldn't put it past most of the students to start making their way toward the Great Hall for an early dinner or to their Common Rooms if not to their final class for the day.

Malfoy waited about ten minutes until a little girl approached him holding a stack of books. She appeared to be very uneasy as she approached the Malfoy boy. They didn't speak as she leaned up against the wall, still holding her books as Malfoy walked up and down the corridor three times. On the third time, the door to the Room of Requirement appeared and he slipped into it. Once the door closed, it disappeared.

I knew I wanted to confront him, but I wanted to make sure things were going okay for our little paled prick at first. So I sat myself down at the corner and kept watch, occasionally glancing around to make sure no one was coming and to check if Malfoy had emerged from the hidden room. The little girl remained stationed outside of the room like some sort of guard, scanning the corridor and shifting on her feet. She was dressed in Slytherin robes, yet she didn't look at all familiar.

Wait, isn't that supposed to be Crabbe or Goyle in disguise?

Yup, I'm pretty sure, if I remember correctly, that she is either one of those two boneheads. They're supposed to keep watch outside of the Room of Requirement as Malfoy did whatever in there. They would drop the books if someone approached the room, signaling to Malfoy not to come out just yet.

But I need to find a way to corner Malfoy, and what better way than in the Room of Requirement?

Sorry Crabbe or Goyle, but you're in the way of me doing that.

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