Chapter 2: Summer Days

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 "Perfect," I beamed at the hairdresser, running my hands through my hair. It now stopped just below my chest.

"That will be one galleon, Miss," the hairdresser said.

I tossed her the coin and went outside where Tonks patiently waited as she peered through a broom shop's window.

"Still think you should have made it pink," she said with a smirk.

"But that's you're thing. Besides, it's so not my color and you know it."

She shrugged. "It was worth a shot."

We made our way down the bustling streets of Diagon Alley. Many were grabbing the day's copy of the Daily Prophet and scanning it, probably to see if there has been any news about Voldemort, now that he's officially back. A few people spotted me and recognized me before whispering to their friend. I knew what they were gossiping about: the daughter of Sirius Black, a man wanted by the Ministry for the last couple years has just had his name cleared only weeks ago.

His face, along with mine occasionally, were plastered across the Prophet's headlines the week his name was cleared. I was able to attend the final hearing where the Wizengamot declared Sirius innocent, along with a very lengthy apology for him being wrongly accused for over fourteen years. The trial also declared Mom free of all charges as she was also hunted by the Ministry for about a month before she died for being in contact with Sirius and Dumbledore, who were considered criminals at the time. The best part of that day was when Fudge came to me and Sirius afterwards to privately apologize and offered to award Sirius an Order of Merlin, Second Class for enduring twelve years in Azkaban.

Oh, I realized I misspoke. The best part was when Sirius told him to shove it and said that he wouldn't accepts such an honor from a - in a nicer translation - a git, like Fudge, and we left without so much as a look back.

People were still a little weary of Sirius, despite being proven and declared innocent, but I didn't care, and neither did Sirius, and that was enough for us.

As we walked, Tonks talked about how work has been lately. She's been so busy that she rarely finds time, like today, to hang out. The amount of letters the Auror office has been receiving from people thinking they saw a Death Eater or Voldemort himself were insane. And the frustrating part of it all? The Aurors can't do anything but investigate, regardless of how farfetched it may be.

After browsing a few stores, we found ourselves outside of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor around eleven o'clock. I was practically bouncing on the balls of my feet as I scanned the crowds. A couple minutes passed and I started to worry if something was keeping him until I heard someone shout my name.

I spun around to see Fred Weasley running up to me with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey, Aims," he grinned.

"Hey," I grinned back.

When he reached us, he slid an arm behind me, pulled me to him, and planted his lips on mine. My heart skipped a few beats as I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened our kiss. Despite it being a week since we saw each other, it felt like months, but there was no other place I would rather be than in my Weasley's arms.

Gosh, when did I turn into a lovesick fool?

At least I'm a happy, lovesick fool.

After few seconds, I pulled back and beamed up at him. "Missed you."

"Missed you, too."

A cough behind me brought our attention to Tonks with her eyebrow raised.

"I need to run to Gringotts and check out a couple other things. Don't let her out of your sight," she said to Fred in a hard tone.

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