Chapter 14: Amelia Black and Perfect Hugging

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    The following weeks felt like hell.

    I kept to myself and made myself focus on schoolwork and practicing on entering visions. I still failed in the Seer department, but at least I'm getting good grades. I tried getting some guitar playing in, but once I picked the instrument up, my fingers wouldn't do their thing and I would end up putting it back into my chest. Either way, school and Seer stuff kept me plenty busy to the point it didn't make me think about how alone I was. Not that it was a new feeling for me. I was used to it, practically grew up with it.

    But I guess once you do get a taste of friendship and being with others, you start craving it.

    At least I still have Fred. I contemplated on pushing him away as well, but considering that no one aside from, like, four people know that we're dating, I decided to keep him close for now. The idea of breaking up with Fred nearly sent my already shattered heart into some incinerator.

    Speaking of the Weasley boy, I think he is picking up that something is going on since my letters have gotten shorter. In the most recent letter, he asked if I was okay at least three times. I wanted to tell him what happened and the entirety of it, but that was just too much for a letter. Besides, each time I did, I ended up almost in tears and would set the letter on fire.

    Tonks has barely written to me, and I feared that what I told her over the summer may have done more harm than good. As in timeline-harm.

    Remus is similar, although, he usually writes if it regards Sirius or Hank or some tidbit information on a certain book he saw while in passing he thought I may like. He mainly keeps me posted on Hank, for the most part. I really do appreciate Remus for taking the time to watch over Hank, as well as have the patience since he's been in charge of educating Hank on the wizarding world.

    Sirius has been weird in his letters to the point that I don't even want to touch whatever is going on in that man's head. It's the same with each letter: Grimmauld is a pain, Kreature is also a pain, still haven't gotten his mother's portrait removed from the wall, Hank's status and how dull of a housemate he is with his only good quality being an excellent cook. He doesn't discuss more or less on what else he does, and whenever I did ask, he completely ignored it. Surely he can't be spending all his time trying to remove Granny Black's portrait.

    Then again... I really wouldn't put it past him. He hates that portrait more than Grimmauld.

    But still, even though I have Fred, Sirius, Remus, and a few others out in the world, my letters to them aren't enough to keep me from that lonely feeling.

    I hate it.

    I used to be this girl that took loneliness in stride, because I didn't have anyone or anything to hold me back from doing something ridiculous. I only had my own back to watch out for and not worry about my repercussions spreading to others. I had no strings and I didn't have to worry about hurting friends.

    But now? This loneliness is like on a whole other field than what I was accustomed to. Mealtimes were the worse, especially since it it highlighted to the rest of the House that something is going on and a few have made snide comments about it whenever I pass by. Many comments regarding how my friends probably finally came to the conclusion that something is wrong with me. It was probably for the best that I don't have much appetite as much anymore. I usually end up skipping dinner and take advantage of the empty Common Room to work on homework or go to the girls' dormitory to practice on my visions.

    At least Malfoy has toned down on watching my every move. I don't feel his eyes on me as much, nor do I find him watching me out of the corner of my eye. It was like there was a mutual understanding between us. We don't acknowledge each other, nor do we partake in the jabs that people would throw at me or him. We both have a lot on our plates, and respect the other's mission, to a degree.

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