Chapter 1: Rough Mornings

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A girl, possibly around the age of fifteen, weaved her way through the bustling corridor filled with students rushing to and from class. Her strawberry blonde hair bounced as she walked with such casual grace. She was humming some unnamed melody as she twirled her wand in her hand. Students around her stared, many captivated by her beauty, but she didn't seem to mind it. She reached the grand staircase and proceeded down them with a skip towards the Entrance Hall.

By the Entrance Hall, another girl patiently waited. Her red hair hung in long waves around her soft face. Her stunning green eyes brightened at the girl and chuckled.

"Someone is in a good mood."

The blonde grinned. "You have no idea."

"What has you so happy?" Her friend asked as they entered the Great Hall for lunch.

The blonde's eyes flirted across the hall and landed on a boy at the end of one of the four long tables that filled the Hall. He was laughing with a wild grin on his face as he talked to three other boys. His lustrous black hair shone bright underneath the sunlight.

However, when their eyes met the girl froze and her smile faltered. Her eyes lost focus for a minute.

A touch on her shoulder made the girl jump and spin to the towering boy who's brows were furrowed and a long frown his face. He shared the girl's strawberry blonde hair and bottomless brown eyes, but that's where the resemblance stopped. While the girl's face was thin and smooth, his was wide with sharp features.

"Hey," the girl smiled up at him, but it looked forced.

The boy glanced at the redhead who then shifted on her feet.

"I'm going to grab a seat," she said quickly before taking off down the Gryffindor table.

Once she was out of earshot, the girl glared at the boy. "What?"

"I saw that look," he said in a hard tone.

She crossed her arms. "So what? Am I not allowed to daydream about him?"

"You know it's not your fate, nor his. I'm trying to watch out for you."

"I know, Quinn," she snapped. "I don't need you to remind me."

"I don't like it either, Wrenna, but even you can't stop destiny's path."

Quinn walked up the Gryffindor table and found an empty spot.

Wrenna glared at his back before going up the table and sitting with her redhead friend.

"Another fight?" She asked.

"I was born nine minutes before him, but he acts like he's the older one of us," Wrenna huffed, picking up a sandwich from a platter. "Don't have siblings, Lily. They're a pain."

Lily only smiled. "They're just worried or misunderstood."

Before Wrenna could respond a bark of laughter brought her attention to the four boys.

"Why the long face, Selwyn?" The four boys at the end of the wall were making their way out. It was the black-haired boy that spoke with a smirk. His sterling, silver eyes alight with amusement.

Wrenna flipped her hair and turned her back to him. "Piss off, Black," she said, her voice tight.

He laughed. "Whatever you say, birdie." He winked at her, and her ears went red.

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