Chapter 10: Beating those Haters

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Hiya Aims,

Glad to hear everything is going good for you. Have you glitter bombed anyone yet? George and I have been thinking about expanding Amelia's Assorted Glitter. Any ideas for pink? Maybe be used on a certain Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?

Anyway, the shop is still booming. Well, as booming as it can be during these times. Not as busy as summer, but we do get a lot of orders. George and Verity say hello. Sirius brought your muggle to Diagon Alley and by the shop. I couldn't tell if he was scared out of his mind or completely amazed at everything. Muggles are hard to read. But don't worry about them. Lupin and Jones came along, too and kept the peace. Tony's also stopped by. She wasn't looking so good. Do you know if she's alright?

Also, I don't think I can wait until Christmas. Let me know when the Hogsmeade trips are. Already been wanting to visit and possibly scout a secondary store location. Maybe we can turn it into a date?

Miss you,


"Do I need to explain this further?" McGonagall asked, glancing up from her book.

I scratched my head as I stared down at my notes. "No, I think I understand. Yeah, I do understand. Imagination plays a little bit of a role with these spells, so having a background in Charms is helpful. It's just a little different than what I have been mostly studying so far. It's mainly been on the math and science side for the most part."

The Transfiguration professor nodded. "Indeed. You are grasping the concepts of this subject much better than most fourth-years." A feint smile formed on her lips. "It's always refreshing to find a student who has the mind and heart for Transfiguration with a gift in Charms."

I shrugged. "I can see why people struggle, but I seriously think it's the best subject there is! The possibilities are endless as long as you have the nerve for it."

"And do you think you have the nerve?"

"Do you think I would be here if I didn't?"

Her smile widened. "That is very true. Would you like another biscuit?"

"Yes, please." I licked my lips and plucked one from the plate.

It was a calm, quiet Saturday morning. It was perfect for a private Transfiguration lesson with Professor, McGonagall. It's been a couple weeks since my meeting with Theodore and I've been working my butt off since with schoolwork and trying, and still failing, to make myself have a vision.

At least my studies have been good, so I have one hand on the wheel.

That reminds me, how old do I have to be in England to get my driving permit?

Focus, Amelia.

McGonagall took a sip of her tea and glanced at the clock.

"If you still want to make tryouts, then we should bring this lesson to an end." She closed her book and gave me a raised eyebrow.

I nearly choked on the biscuit. "Crap, it's getting that late?" I glanced at my watch and swore under my breath. "Thanks for reminding me." I grabbed my books and threw them into my bag.

The Transfiguration professor smiled, but there was a glint in her eyes. "It must go without saying, however, that should you make the cut, do not expect me to cheer for your team."

I snorted. "Now why would I ask you to put aside good old fashion rivalry for me? Believe me, Professor, I completely understand." I threw my bag over my shoulder and beeline for the door.

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