Chapter 4: I Ain't No Historian (Sorry Dad)

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Fred stayed as long as we would dare. Despite that Sirius, Remus, and Hank weren't supposed to be back until dawn, Fred left a little after three in the morning. To be fair, we passed out around eleven after spending who knows how long kissing, and it was Brida's return that woke us both up. Even though we didn't do anything past kissing, my face felt like an inferno at the thought that I fell asleep in Fred arms in my bed. Everything about it was innocent, so why did I feel like it was anything but that?

    In either case, it was hard for me to fall back asleep, whether it was from the lack of Fred or the self embarrassing realization that I had a boy in my room, laying on my bed right next to me.

    Next thing I knew, my seven o'clock alarm was going off. I hit the snooze and sat up, shoving the disaster that was my hair aside. I strained my ears to hear any movement. When I didn't hear anything I got up, not bothering to grab my robe, and walked to Sirius's room. I creaked open the door and sighed with relief. Sirius was laying on his stomach, fast asleep. Although, he was laying on top of his covers, still wearing the clothes from the night before and shoes still on his feet.

    I was about to close the door when Sirius shifted in his sleep.

    "Why the long face, Selwyn?" He mumbled.

    My chest tightened.

    "It should have..." He turned onto his back. His face contorted into pain and he jerked in bed. "Wren!" He gasped.

    I ran to him. "Sirius?"

    "It... Should have been me..."



    "Dad!" I grabbed his shoulders and thrusted him, but then jumped back to avoid his flying arm. He bolted right up, breathing heavily. He blinked a few times before his eyes landed me.

    "Amelia?" He frowned.

    "Sorry. You were talking in your sleep."

    He ran a hand through his hair. "I don't remember. What did I say?"

    I bit my lip. "Mom's name. Also said something about how it should have been you."

    He held his head in his hands and swore under his breath. "I'm sorry you had to hear that."

    "It's fine, really. You're not the only one that dreams about it."

    He rubbed his face and released a long, heavy sigh. "I'm sorry."

    "Don't be." I sat on the bed. "Look, I know it's hard. I already went through this when Dad died and I wasn't in the best place. You should have seen the all of the fights I got myself into after that. Losing Mom... It hurts, really bad. But I think now that I'm older and know what Mom wanted out of life, I'm pushing myself to live for her."

    He shook his head. "I'm the parent. I should be the one that's supposed to make sure you're alright and give you inspirational speeches."

    I smiled at him. "How about we both make sure that we're alright. After all, it's us Blacks against the rest of the world, remember?"

    He laughed dryly. "You got a point there." He reached over and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks, pup. I love you."

    "Love you, too, but drop that nickname."

    "Never," he chortled. He looked at his watch. "We're still going to Molly's?"

    "Only if you're up for it."

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