Chapter 11: The Beginning of the Ruptured

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Defense Against the Dark Arts was starting to become Zendaya's least favorite class.

Snape had us practicing nonverbal spells in every class and even had us practice with each other. Harmless spells, of course, but that didn't ease Zendaya's nerves. She practically perfected nonverbal spells in our other classes, but each time she was put up against someone, she would start to stammer and her hands would shake. It got bad enough that she made an empty phial behind me explode when trying to disarm me.

"I'm sorry!" She whimpered for the hundredth time as Madam Pomfrey plucked the shards of glass from the back of my head.

"At least it was a small bottle," Madam Pomfrey assured her. "I've seen much worse, trust me, dear."

"And I've been dealt worse," I added. "I should tell you about some of the fights I got into back at my muggle schools."

That did not seem to ease Zendaya.

"You are your father's daughter," the Madam tsked. "You wouldn't believe the amount of times Sirius Black and James Potter were in here. It was a weekly visit sometimes. Especially when Potter got injured from Quidditch, Black would get himself hurt so I would have both of them."

I snorted. "That sounds like my old man."

She plucked out the last shard of glass and waved her wand. "Episkey!" A wave of heat washed over the back of my head. "There you go, dear. You're all set."

"Thanks." I jumped off the bed and snatched up my bag.

"Also, the healers from St. Mungo's sent your paperwork to me. I've already reached out to Severus to assist with your potions. I would like to see you at least twice a month here for a checkup."

I bit back a groan. "Sure thing. Just send me a schedule and I'll do my best to stick to it."

Zendaya's regretful face turned hard. I could practically hear her mentally scolding me and saying 'oh, you will stick to it'.

Madam Pomfrey asked me about my potion stash before releasing me. Zendaya and I made our way to the Great Hall, hoping to grab a quick bite to eat for lunch before tackling the afternoon classes. Zendaya was quiet as we walked, which was normal, but there was something uneasy about it. When I glanced over to check on her, I noticed she was chewing on her bottom lip mercilessly.

"I swear I'm fine, Zenna," I assured her. "I even laughed, remember?"

She shook her head. "I'm pretty sure that's what had me worried in the first place."

"No, you don't get it. At my last school, one of my teachers pissed me off so much that the beakers in her science lab exploded. I didn't know I did it back then since, you know, I didn't know I was a witch and could do magic. But you gotta love karma."

She came to a halt and stared at me, almost in disbelief, then she shook her head.

"How do you do it?"

I came a stop. "Do what?"

She wrapped her arms around herself. "How do you seize the world and spin it the way you want to? How do you still come out the other side, after facing adversity, and still continue fighting? How... How do you even have the nerve to fight without hesitating?"

I was taken back by this. I didn't know what I was expecting to come from her, but it certainly wasn't anything like that.

I was going to pluck out one of my snarky answers, but her questions did had me wondering. Is this why she was so anxious that day when we went to Diagon Alley and why she opposes violence and why she struggles in Defense Against the Dark Arts? I knew Zendaya was possibly the sweetest thing and was too good to be sorted into Slytherin, but I suspected she held some inner fierceness, especially since she dreams of becoming the Headmistress of Hogwarts.

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