Chapter 7: Arthur Becomes a Slug

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Nothing says good morning than hearing Walburgha Black's shrieking insults about how me and Sirius are defiling her father's house.

It was day of my departure to Hogwarts.

The following weeks leading up to the start of term flew by more than I would have liked. With my days being spent either at the Burrow, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and Grimmauld, it wasn't so much a wonder that I easily passed out each night with ease. I got so caught up with Fred, my new school books, yearning to get back on a broom and fly as fast and freely the broom would allow at the Burrow, and my exercising, that August 31st came out of nowhere.

As much as I couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts, part of me was anxious to leave Grimmauld. It has become a home, despite the grime and Granny Black's screaming insults and Kreature's narrowed looks. Not only that, I would be leaving Sirius and Hank alone, which could go bad or good, depending on how well they decide to behave. And of course, I was upset about Fred and not seeing him until Christmas.

Out of all of the boys I could have dated, I had to choose the one that was out of school. Another example of my luck.

As I walked by the Black matriarch's portrait - lugging my trunk, Brida's cage, and my guitar case - Walburgha's rage-filled eyes landed on me.

"You!" She screeched at me. "You filthy blood traitor! Besmirching the house of my fathers! Carrying dishonor just as your treacherous father!"

"Love you too, you old hag!" I grabbed her curtains and shoved them shut. Her shrieks muffled and slowly quieted. I didn't know why Sirius hadn't shut her up, but he seriously needs to find some way to remove that damned portrait before I decide to burn it with it still on the wall.

Sirius was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, cleaning dirt from his nails as if his mother's screams completely unfazed him.

"Any idea why Gran was left screaming?" I asked pointedly at Sirius.

He shrugged. "A new tactic. If she screams enough, maybe she'll scream herself off the wall."

"Do you really think that will work?"

"No, but I'm willing to do anything at this point."

Hank entered the hallway, coming from the kitchen, zipping up his jacket. The night before, Hank informed me that he was joining the journey to King's Cross. He didn't explain why, and I honestly didn't feel like asking at the time as I was focused on packing the last of my things. However, to my surprise, he finally got around to trimming his hair and shaved, although, he left it as a short stubble. And for once, his shirt was tucked in.

"There's the Hank I know and love," I smirked. "Where have you been hiding? Hopefully you haven't been making babies cry, again."

"Shut it," he grunted, but there was a feint smile on his lips. "I'm just happy that you finally got thrown into a boarding school, you ungrateful kid."

"Well, even trash should have some happiness."

Sirius snorted."Are you two done? We don't want to be late."

"Not unless you have a flying car I can use and make a grand entrance?"

"No, but I did have a motorcycle, but I gave it to Hagrid."

The front door opened and Hestia poked her head in. "Are you guys ready to go?"

"All set!" Sirius and I chimed together.

Hestia and Remus were our escorts today and even got a Ministry vehicle that was charmed so that the seats could fit me, Sirius, and Hank comfortably in the back while Remus and Hestia sat up front with the driver.

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