Chapter 12: Somewhat-Cousins

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McGonagall questioned us the instant we returned to the castle. Harold was the one to explain that when Cora came back from the restroom, she had the package and was adamant on returning to school to deliver it to someone, but they didn't know who. It was of general consensus that she was under the Imperious Curse. Harry accused Malfoy of being the culprit, and while I wanted to back him up, I bit back my tongue.

As much as I hate it, what transpired didn't deviate from the original timeline. Only difference was that Cora was the one subjected to that cursed state rather than Katie Bell. Meaning things are still somehow on track. Regardless of how twisted it turned out.

But that didn't make things easier. Instead it left a bitter taste in my mouth and the desire to hunt down and curse the Malfoy boy myself.

Besides, hard to argue that Malfoy was the culprit when McGonagall shot down Harry's accusation by saying that she had Malfoy in detention all day.

In either case, Cora was transported to St. Mungo's the next day and word of her being cursed spread like fiendfyre through the castle. The Slytherin Common Room turned into a quiet, whispering place as people glanced over at me and my friends. Some curiously, others pitifully. Pansy tried to be bold and make a mockery of us until she read the room that basically said 'not cool' and retreated to her corner. And Malfoy has been conveniently dodging me and keeping his distance from me as if he knew that I would curse him into next year if he took a step too close or even looked in my direction.

Aside from the few people like Pansy that smartly kept their mouth shut, it became an understood thing through the House: one of us was attacked.

Zendaya had been an anxious mess since the whole ordeal to the point her smooth hair was starting to frizz. Arthur was more quiet than usual and even Harold's snarky remarks to any and everything have disappeared.

The evenings became quiet even when everyone has gone to bed, leaving us alone in the common room with the void where Cora's laugh used to fill.

A few nights later after Cora was cursed, we were up late until who knows when. Every one else had gone to bed. None of us had the energy nor the tiredness to go to our dorms and go to sleep. I had one of my Transfiguration books opened in my lap, but my gaze drifted to the fireplace.

Part of me wished Sirius would pop in like he did last year, or if Fred managed to do it as well. I could use a laugh and see their faces. I missed them and Hank and Buckbeak and Kreature and Remus. At least with them, with the exception of Fred, they know I'm a Seer and I can vent my Seer frustrations to them about this whole thing.

Oh, wait, I can't. Because that would mean explaining that the timeline was ruptured.

I can't win.

"I don't get it," Zendaya said quietly. She had her Ancient Runes book open, taking notes, but I haven't heard her scribbling in quite a few minutes. "Who did they want to give that necklace to? Why did they choose Cora?"

"Because there are sick and twisted people in this world," I answered flatly. "Cora just happened to be at the wrong place and wrong time."

"But who was she supposed to give it to?"

I bit back the truth. "It could be for anyone. A teacher or student or even Dumbledore. With this war going on, anyone can be a target."

"So, you don't know?" Harold asked, but there was some hostility in his tone that surprised me.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He sat down his book and evenly met my eyes. "You know, I thought it was really strange when you told me not to touch it way before any of us knew it was cursed. As if you knew it was cursed from the beginning. I also find it quite convenient you disappeared around the time Cora was cursed."

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