chapter 10

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Nickola arrives to work carrying two grocery bags. She spent the night baking banana bread and decided four loaves was too much for Zara and her.

"Buenos Dias Ros. I went crazy last night," showing her the bags. "Pan de banana," she hands Ros one of the bags.

"You're killing me," she looks in the bag and inhales. "You can't keep doing this to me. How am I supposed to fit into my wedding dress?" she pouts.

"You could give it to Juan," Nickola suggest.

"That's not an option. He's lucky to even get one piece of this," Ros says with a serious look on her face.

"You're terrible," Nickola laughs.

Ros removes the aluminum container from the bag and unwraps the pre sliced bread. She removes a piece and takes a small bite closing her eyes as she savors the taste. "Mm so good!"

"I could give you the recipe then Juan could have his own loaf."

"And have him requesting it every weekend? No thanks," she smiles. "Besides I like the way you make it."

"Oh thanks." Nickola says humbly. "Miles and I are going out for dinner tonight. I'm not sure how I feel about it though."

"What do you mean? You had a good time at the banquet right?" she takes another piece of bread from the container.

"I did. But I can't stop thinking about Herring. He's been sending me these good morning voicemails and he knows I love his accent."

"And Miles doesn't?"

"No. Which is okay. Miles and I speak on the phone here and there."

"But you don't with Herring?" Ros says trying to understand Nickola's point.

"Yes we do speak on the phone. But Miles doesn't have an accent."

"Oh. I get it. Basically Miles needs to up his game then."

The phone rings. Ros answers and puts the caller on hold. She wraps the plastic around the bread and puts the container back in the bag.

"No. I just feel like it should be Miles that I feel this way for. Not the guy fifteen years younger." Nickola sighs.

"There's nothing wrong with liking a younger guy. You like who you like. Give it time with Miles. It's early your still getting to know each other," her voice encouraging.

Nickola nods in agreement. "I guess. See ya later," she says as Ros returns to the caller.

Vanessa happily agrees to take Zara to dance class. She is more than willing to help with the possibility of Nickola in a relationship with Miles. After work Nickola heads home and changes into a pair of light blue jeans and a black shirt with a rhinestone eyed tiger on the front. Deciding on a pair of black coach sneakers instead of flats. She adds a few strokes of blush to her cheeks and touches up her lips with a rose colored lipstick. She pulls into the olive garden parking lot where Miles is standing outside.

"Hey. They said a ten minute wait," he says checking his watch as Nickola walks up to him.

After a few minutes the buzzer vibrates. They look at the buzzer then at each other. "That was short," Nickola says.

Upon walking in she nervously scans the restaurant hoping she doesn't bump into Herring. There is a good amount of people seated but not enough to call it crowded. The host seats them at a booth. The waiter hands them menus and asks for their drink choices.

"How long has Zara been taking dance?" Miles ask looking at the menu.

"Only two years. She also has piano lessons on Saturdays."

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