chapter 18 (edited)

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Monday night. Nickola sends Zara to bed. She puts on some jazz music as she waits for Miles to arrive. She feels nervous. Changing her mind, she turns off the music and puts in a movie. Miles arrives holding a brown paper bag.

"I brought you this," he pulls a bottle of red wine from the bag.

She gets two wine glasses from the cupboard and brings them into the living room. There is a popping sound as Miles removes the cork.

"I missed you," he says hugging her.

The short time apart makes her appreciate his presence. His body feels good. Her hands slowly glide over his back.

"I missed you too."

He sits in the middle of the couch. She hands him a glass.

"Bad boys?" He questions as he fills the glass with wine.

"Do you wanna watch something else?" She holds her glass as he fills it.

"No this is good. I like this movie." He sits back.

"How was Orlando?" She curls up her feet on the couch.

"It was great. There's so much more to having a business that I could've imagined. I think I'm going to give Greyson a call."

"You should. "He's got some good connections."

They sit for awhile drinking and watching the movie.

"I've been thinking about you a lot." He pulls her legs onto his lap.

"What about?" She smiles.

He slowly rubs her leg. "How I want you to be my lady."

Nickola takes a hard swallow of her wine.

"Nikki I don't want to be with anyone else," he looks into her eyes. He stops rubbing her leg and puts his glass on the floor.

After a brief moment she sits up moving one leg to the floor and the other folded underneath her. "I'll be your lady Miles."

He takes the glass from her hand and puts it on the lamp stand. His full lips meet hers. His tongue touches the roof of her mouth leaving behind a fruity taste. Their faces pull away. Nickola stares at him. She reaches for her glass and takes a sip. Positioning her legs over his lap he again caresses them. They remain this way watching the movie.


All morning she questions herself for becoming exclusive with Miles. The thought of ending whatever she has going on with Herring is upsetting. During lunch she receives a text from Herring: Dinner tonight?

She sighs and puts the phone in her work bag.

After work she sits in her car. Memories of New York, painting, and their steamy encounter fills her mind. I can't keep doing this. I'm torturing myself messing around with Herring.  Who am I kidding. Nothing serious is going to come of  it.

She calls Herring. "Hello?" his tone jolly on the other end.

"Hey," Nickola tries to hide the distress in her voice.

"Did you receive my message?"

"I did. And I..." She finds it hard to continue.

"Is everything alright?"

She fiddles with the stuffed lion on the dash. It feels like a break up.

"I...don't think we should hang out anymore."

There's silence on his end.

"The age gap," she continues. "It's just."

"Its mind over matter," he interrupts.

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