chapter 12

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Nickola is surrounded by three mirrors. There is a dim spotlight flickering overhead. She is dressed in a white full length nightie with a lace white robe. She turns to her left only to find she is blocked by a mirror. A turn to her right keeps her surrounded by more mirrors. Panic begins to rise in her. "Hello?" she calls out. There is no answer. She begins to feel her way around until she sees a faint white light. She walks in the direction of the light. At the end is an exit and a man dressed in black pants and a black hoodie standing with his back towards her. "Hello?" she says in a low voice. Just as he turns around she is jolted awake by the sound of her phone alarm. After disarming it she sits up in the bed for a moment pondering the significance of the dream before getting ready for work.

Once at work Nickola is greeted by a very chipper Ros.

"Buenos Dias!" Ros sings.

"You're in a good mood this morning," Nickola says interested to know why.

"Only two months till the wedding," she hands Nickola an envelope.

"I'm excited for you," she presses her palms together.

"Are you inviting Miles?" she places an invitation inside an envelope.

"Uh...I haven't decided."

"Why not?" Ros turns in her chair to face Nickola.

"I think I'm falling for Herring."

"Are you still hanging out with him? I thought you liked Miles."

"I do. But I really really like Herring," she says cringing.

"Nikki!" Ros shakes her head. "You're going to have to make up your mind at some point. I think Miles likes you. Believe it or not men get their hearts broken too," she turns to continue stuffing the envelopes.

"I know. And I will," she sighs. "Just don't know when," she says under her breath.

"You know who I'm still voting for," Ros smiles devilishly.

"It's not a contest," Nickola rolls her eyes.

"I'm just saying," she shrugs.

Nickola give Ros a look. "See ya later," she says smiling .

While out on route, Nickola stops at a traffic light waiting for it to turn green when suddenly there is a crash from behind the bus. Pieces of the vehicle come flying in front of the bus. Nickola gets out of the bus and follows the trail of debris to check on the driver. Smoke billows from the crushed hood of the car. The air bags are deployed. "You ok!" Nickola shouts to the driver but she is not responding. Blood falls from the crown of the drivers head and her nose is bloody. Nickola radios to the dispatcher the details of the accident and request an ambulance. Her manager arrives first followed by the police and ambulance. She watches as they load the young woman on a stretcher. Nickola gives the police her side of the story and returns to the garage to fill out paper work.

At the garage she texts Vanessa and pulls up Herrings name to send him a text but decides against it. Per Met transit procedure the manager drives her to the clinic for a drug and alcohol test. While waiting to be called she receives a text.

Herring: Is everything okay? I heard about the accident.

Nickola: Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for checking.

Herring: I'm glad you're not hurt.

She sat smiling at the idea of him checking to see if she was okay. By the time she got back to the garage she was told to go home early to which she was grateful for. That was enough excitement for one day. Later she called Vanessa and gave her the details of the accident.

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