chapter 23

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The next seven days that follow are hard. With Herring in London and Vanessa still not talking her, the lonliness is kicking in. Video chats with Herring are only making Nickola miss him more. And the possibility of not reconnecting with Vanessa still aches her heart. Nickola lies on the couch flipping through the channels.

"Mom let's play this," Zara says holding a board game in her hands.

It's been awhile since Nickola has played a board game and its time she gets out of the funk she's in. They set up Monopoly, Unicorns versus Llamas edition, on the kitchen table. Zara's competitiveness drastically improves Nickola's mood. She realizes she hasn't laughed in days. Just as the game ends there is a knock on the door. Zara puts the game and its contents back into the box. Nickola is surprised to see Vanessa on the other side of the door.

"Hey," Vanessa says softly.

"Hey. Come in," Nickola says stepping aside.

Zara runs and hugs Vanessa tightly by the waist. "Hi, Mrs. Vanessa. Are you feeling better?"

Vanessa gives Zara a strange look. "Yes. I'm...much better," her smile forced.

"Good. Now I can come over and play with Madalyn," she says before skipping off to her room.

"I'm gettin' ready to make tea. You want some?" Nickola fills the kettle with water and puts it on the burner.

"Yeah. I'll take some," Vanessa answers walking to the kitchen.

Vanessa sits at the table. "I'm sorry I took this long to speak to you. With everything that was going on and then when I saw you and Herring I just."

"It's my fault," Nickola interrupts. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I should have said something. I wasn't sure how you would take it."

"What happened with you and Miles?"

"I felt bad breaking it off. I really did. My heart just wasn't in it." The kettle whistles. Nickola fills the mugs with water and plops a tea bag into each. She places the sugar on the table and hands Vanessa a mug. The two spoon sugar into their mugs and stir the hot liquid.

"I know this sounds crazy Vanessa. But I really do care about Herring." She blows into the mug before taking a slow sip of the tea.

Vanessa lets out a long breath. "Well. After talking with Greyson," she pauses. "It's not worth losing you as a friend.

Nickola sighs in relief and leans over to hug Vanessa. "I'm so glad to hear you say that. I was beginning to think I'd never hear from you again."

"It's gonna take some time getting use to the two of you as a couple." She takes a sip of her tea. "Got me feeling like I'm in a Lifetime movie." Vanessa give Nickola a look. They both laugh.


Christmas Eve. Vanessa host a party at her home. Enough time has passed that she no longer cringes at the thought of Nickola and Herring. There are over the top Christmas decorations both inside and outside of the house. A spectacular light display that includes Santa, reindeer, and the sleigh on the roof. It even snowed to add to the festiveness of the season. Large candy canes light the way to the entrance of the house. Garland outlines the front door. Mistletoe hangs in the foyer area inside. After dinner everyone moves out to the living room. Vanessa sits beside the tree and passes out the gifts. The children each open one gift. Followed by Vanessa, her mother, sister, uncle, and cousin. Greyson hands her a large rectangular gift. It's perfectly wrap in red paper with a red bow in the top corner.

"Did you wrap this?" Vanessa says suspiciously.

"No," he chuckles. "This level of skill is way above mine."

She carefully unwraps the gift. Tears fill her eyes as she looks at it. She turns it around for everyone to see.

"Greyson this is beautiful," her voice cracking.

She hugs and kisses him. A painting of a young Vanessa and her sister in matching Christmas sweaters standing behind their grandmother who is sitting in a red velvet chair.

"I had a little help from Nickola," he says. He softly strokes Vanessa's back.

"Oh I just gave him the idea. He had the connections and money," Nickola says.

Everyone laughs.

"It was a great idea," Vanessa dabs at the corners of her eyes with her finger.

While they all gawk over the painting Nickola pulls Herring to the side. She hands him a square sliver decorative box wrapped with a white bow on top. As he takes the lid to the box off his phone rings. He looks at it and silences it.

"Fresh rain," he says pulling out the large candle. "Thank you," he smiles and hugs her.

"It's growing on me," she smiles back.

His phone rings again. He furrows his brows looking at the caller I.D. "I don't recognize this number," he says silencing it once more and puts the phone in his pocket. He hands Nickola an envelope. "Sorry I didn't wrap yours."

She slowly unfolds it and pulls out two pieces of folder papers. Her eyes grow wide as she reads, "Round trip to Paris!" She gasps. "In three days.? This sure puts my gift to shame," she says plainly. 

"Don't say that. I like what you got for me," he takes her by the hand.

Nickola smiles. "Thank you." She stares at the electronic ticket.

His phone dings. Confusion washes over his face as he reads the text.

"What's wrong?" Nickola asks.

"It's Krista. She's pregnant and says the baby's mine," he says shocked and dumfounded at the same time.

"Herring look," Madalyn points toward the ceiling. "Now you have to kiss Miss Nikki," she giggles.

They both look around the room. Everyone is watching them. Herring looks into Nickola's eyes. They all cheer as he kisses her. 

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