chapter 20

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Per Vanessa's request, Nickola invites Miles to have dinner at their house. The table is set with Vanessa's best dinnerware. A single fork, knife, and spoon rest atop white fabric napkins. Each glass is filled with water. Vanessa carefully places an oval platter with pot roast, potatoes, and carrots in the center of the table. Nickola bring out a basket of rolls and a dish with butter. Miles, Greyson, and Kellen are talking in the living room. The children lie on the floor watching television. The front door opens and in walks Herring with Krista behind him.

"Okay. Everybody at the table," Vanessa instructs.

The children rush to the table. Vanessa prepares Madelyn and Trent's plate while Nickola prepares Zara's. The others come take a seat. Nickola looks at Krista. She wonders how serious it is between Herring and her. Everyone begins to serve themselves.

"Krista where do you work?" Vanessa ask as she scoops the roast onto her plate.

"I'm a secretary at R.E.X. studios," she says spreading butter on her roll. "That's where I met Herring," she smiles and looks at him.

"Is that where Bronze makes his music?" Vanessa ask Herring

He opens his mouth to answer but Krista responds for him.

"Yes. Have you heard the track that Herring's on?" she says excited. Nickola is visibly annoyed by Krista.

"You're on Bronzes' album?" Vanessa ask shocked.

"Is that right?" Kellen interjects before putting a potato in his mouth. "Herring a rapper," he says condescendingly.

Herring notices Nickola reaching for the butter dish and passes it across the table to her. There eyes meet but Nickola quickly looks away.

"He actually sounds good," Krista says defensively.

"It's only a few lines," Herring clarifies and takes a bite of his roast.

"Oh. I almost forgot. I brought wine," Kellen pushes his chair back to get up.

"I'll get it," Nickola stands up quickly. "Where'd you put it?"

"It' the freezer," Kellen says surprised by Nickola's sudden act of kindness.

Nickola goes into the kitchen and removes the chilled bottle from the freezer. Irritation evident on her face. She leans against the counter with her arms crossed.

Vanessa enters the kitchen. "Nikki?" She catches her staring at the cabinets. "You okay?"

"Yes. I was trying to remember where the wine glasses are," she lies.

"Right over here," Vanessa opens the cupboard next to the microwave.

They return to the table. Nickola hands Kellen the bottle of wine.

Greyson wipes his mouth with the napkin. "I have good news," he turns towards Miles.

Vanessa's phone rings. "That's gonna have to wait," she waves.

"Miles, I spoke with a colleague. He is going to fund three thousand dollars to the start of your business."

Miles eyes go wide. "Wow! That's. Thank you," He shakes Greyson's hand. "I really appreciate it," he says humbly grateful.

"I'm glad I could help," Greyson says.

Vanessa's phone rings a second time. "Let me see who this is," she grabs her phone from the living room and escapes to Greyson's office.

"Now that's cause for celebration," Kellen pulls the cork from the glass. "Donnhoff Hollenpfad. Germany's finest," he says pouring himself a glass.

Krista's the first to offer her glass. She eyes the bottle of champagne like a parched puppy.

"So Miles. Will the business be here in Stamford?" Kellen ask as he fills Krista glass.

"I've been thinking about opening up a shop in Bridgeport." Nickola looks at Miles.

"That's an easy commute," Kellen says.

Vanessa returns with a distraught look on her face. She's holding the phone to her chest.

"Sweetheart. Everything alright?" Greyson asks nervously concerned.

All eyes await her response. "My grandmother had a stroke. She's at the hospital." Vanessa is frozen in place.

Nickola looks at Greyson. "I can stay with the kids," she says.

"Thank you Nikki," he says walking to Vanessa. He places his hand on her shoulder.

"I gotta put the," Vanessa trails off looking at the table.

"Vanessa. Don't worry. I'll take care of everything," Nickola's voice soft.

A muffled thanks is heard as the two head to the garage.

Nickola instructs the children to take their plates to the kitchen. After putting their dishes on the counter they go to their rooms.

"Do you mind staying while I help clean?" Herring says to Krista.

"I can take her home," Kellen offers. "If you don't mind."

Herring looks at Krista for an answer. "Sure," she shrugs. "Let me grab my things."

Nickola takes the remaining platter of roast and veggies and brings it to the kitchen. Miles follows her carrying his plate.

"I hope her grandmothers going to be okay," he puts his plate on the counter next to the sink.

"I don't know. She's pretty old." Nickola puts the food in containers and into the refrigerator.

"I'm going to take off," Miles says unsure of how he could help. He gives Nickola a hug.

"I'll call you tomorrow," she says.

"Good luck with everything," Kellen shakes Miles hand.

"Thank you." Miles opens the door.

"Are you going to stop by after?" Krista aks Herring.

"I can't tonight," he responds.

She attempts to kiss him but he turns his head and her lips land on his cheek.

Slightly disappointed she turns and follows Kellen and Miles out the door.

Herring removes the remaining plates and glasses from the table and brings them to the kitchen.

"You two a thing now?" Nickola scraps food from each plate into the disposal.

"She's not my girlfriend if that's what you're asking." He takes the plates and puts them in the dishwasher.

"Why did you bring her here?" Frustration rising in her tone.

"We saw Vanessa at Starbucks," confused by her attitude. "She invited her."

Nickola's mood change is evident to Herring as she shoves the plates into his hand.

"Nickola what's wrong?" he ask innocently.

"Nothing," she says sternly.  "I don't think she's right for you," she continues.

He huffs. "Was it not you who said I should see someone my age?"

"Yes Herring. It was." She storms out of the kitchen.

Upstairs she has Madalyn and Trent get ready for bed. She sets up the fold away bed for Zara in Madalyn's room. Back downstairs Herring has left. The dishwasher has been loaded and the counters cleaned. Nickola has one missed call and text from Vanessa.

Vanessa: Be home in an hour.

She grabs a throw from the closet, turns the channel to HBO and curls up on the couch. 

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