chapter 16

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Friday after work Nickola rushes home and changes into something casual. A light blue pair of jeans, a long sleeve v-neck white shirt, and a black pair of heels. She applies a thin line of eyeliner on her eyes and pink lipstick on her lips. A few strokes of pink blush brushed over her cheeks. The sitter arrives at the same time as Miles pulls up into the driveway. Nickola informs the sitter of Zara's dinner and bedtime. She grabs her leather jacket and kisses Zara goodnight on the cheek.

They arrive at the comedy club. Outside next to the entrance a sign reads Funny Bone. Miles ask a bystander to take a photo of them in front of the sign. Once inside they go to the bar. He orders a beer for himself and a water for Nickola . The tables are close together creating a tight spaced environment. They walk towards the second table in the center closest to the stage.

"So you want us to get picked on?" Nickola ask before sitting.

Miles laughs heartily. "They'll be plenty of others to get picked on too," he motions his hand to the other tables surrounding them.

"Make sure you point to them when the comedian starts cracking jokes on me," she smiles pointing to the table next to them.

The waitress comes and takes their order. "Have you ever been here?" Miles ask.

"Once. The guy who played on Police Academy was here. He's crazy talented. He can do any sound with his mouth."

"Oh yeah. Michael Winslow. I remember that movie. He is good."

People pour into the cramped room. The waitress returns with two orders of hot wings and loaded French fries. Nickola fans at her mouth after the first bite.

"Oh come one. It's not that hot," Miles says picking up a wing.

"I'm a wimp when it comes to spicy food," she admits.

A woman appears on stage and introduces the first comedian. Miles is sitting across from Nickola. He turns his chair around to face the stage. The opening act begins followed by the guest comedian. Nickola likes this side of Miles so down to earth. Lunging forward with laughter at the jokes being told. Her phone vibrates. She discreetly checks the text.
Herring: Brunch tomorrow?

Nickola: Sure. Zara has piano till 10:30.

Herring: I'll come round to pick you up at 11:30?

Nickola: How bout you come here and I'll make breakfast.

Herring: I'll have Madalyn and Trent with me.

Nickola: No problem 👍

The show ends and they walk slowly with the crowd to the exit.

"I leave for Orlando Sunday," Miles says.  "I'll be attending a business seminar."

"Nice! How long you gonna be there?"

"We'll the seminar ends Thursday. But I'm going to spend a couple of extra days there. I'll be back on Sunday."

"This is gonna be really good for you," excitement in her voice.

"Yeah. It's time. I've been putting it off for too long. I'm going to see Devaun tomorrow. I'd like to see you too before I leave," he turns to look at her.

"What time?" Nickola remembers her brunch date with Herring.

"I can come around in the evening. After I drop Devaun back off," he suggest.

"I'm hosting a Mary Kay party at my house. But I can prolly squeeze you in," she smirks.

"I appreciate that," he smiles.

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