chapter 9

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Nickola stands before a full length mirror checking her appearance. The yellow short sleeved pleated knee length dress falls gracefully over her petite figure. The mustard yellow brightens her caramel skin. Mother of pearl drop earrings paired with the matching bracelet compliment the look finished with a pair of white pumps. Her braids are circled neatly in a bun atop her head. She spritzes a few pumps of La Vie et Belle perfume on her neck.

"Hurry up!" Wes shouted. "We're gonna be late." "It's only four o'clock we've got an hour," Nickola said as she packed Zara's diaper bag. "I hate going anywhere with you. You know I like to be early you should've done that last night," his brows pulled together. "Relax it takes two minutes to do this." "Don't tell me what to do!" his voice louder. "I should just take Zara and leave your ass here!" Nickola sighs at the memory. She grabs her keys and clutch and heads out the door.

Miles stands in the foyer with his hands crossed in front of him. He is dressed in black slacks and a white button down. His muscles appear uncomfortably stretched through his clothes.

"You look nice," his eyes light up.

"Thanks. So do you," she smiles.

Nickola tells the guy at the desk her name and he directs her to table five. The tables are covered with white cloths. A votive rest in a vase half filled with water in the center with a number next to it. Six empty glasses and six glasses filled with water are set on the tables along with a tiny card displaying which dish is to be served. Nickola spots Vanessa and Greyson, table five is printed on the card in the middle.

"Hey," Nickola pulls out her seat.

Vanessa and Greyson stand to greet them. "Miles this is Greyson, Vanessa's husband," Nickola says.

"Nice to meet you Miles," Greyson says. The two shake hands.

"Good to see you again Vanessa," Miles says shaking her hand.

Nickola greets the older couple seated with them. The speaker welcomes everyone and gives a run down for the night's program. The staff begin to serve salad and pour  iced tea into the empty glasses.

"So Miles what do you do for work?" Greyson ask.

"I'm the general manager for the Midas on Brewster Boulevard. That's where Nickola and I met. I'm looking to possibly open an auto mechanic shop here in Stamford."

"My partner and I run an investment accounting firm.  Turner and Brooks if you're interested," Greyson reaches into his wallet and pulls out a business card. 

"I'll keep that in mind." Miles says looking at the card.

"No Kellen?" Nickola quietly ask Vanessa.

"He's somewhere around here. He wouldn't miss this," Vanessa says matter of factly.

"Speaking of the devil," Nickola says.

Kellen approaches, "I'm sorry Vanessa I have to steal Greyson for a moment. Hello Nikki."

Nickola offers a small smile. "That's Kellen. Greyson's partner," she says to Miles.

"I want to introduce you to potential clients at my table," he says excitement in his voice.

"Right now Kellen?" Vanessa ask.

"I'll only be a moment," Greyson assures her with a kiss on the cheek.

"With a mechanic shop you should have business for years to come. Especially with all these potholes on the road," Vanessa says.

"I sure hope so," he chuckles.

"Tell me about it," Nickola chimes in.

"How long have you been at Midas?" Vanessa ask.

"About twelve years. But I've been working on cars since I was in high school."

"It's a good skill to have," Vanessa says. 

Greyson returns just as the staff serve the main course. Baked chicken with caramelized onions and steak sirloin with béarnaise sauce. Vanessa gossips about a couple at the table behind them. After some time the speaker invites Vanessa to the podium. She expresses her appreciation and gratitude for the years sponsors. She gives recognition to Huggies for their donation of five thousand dollars plus one thousand packages of diapers. Lastly she thanks all those who have made the event a success.

Nickola's phone vibrates. Herrings name shows on the facetime I.D. "I'm gonna step out to the ladies room," she says excusing herself. She's practically running when she enters the hallway. "Hello."

"Hi. How was your Friday? You said you would have more to say. I know it's a day late."
"I did say that," her smile wide. She blushed at him remembering to ask. "It was good. I'll have to save my stories for another day though."

"Stories? I suppose I'll be listening to those over dinner then."

"Mm. Maybe," she looks around hoping Vanessa didn't decide to excuse herself also.

"Am I interrupting something? You seem to be occupied," he says with concern.

"I'm at the charity banquet for Vanessa's job," she begins to walk much slower.

"The banquet. I remember now Vanessa saying something to dad about it."

"I can call you after," Nickola suggest.

"No worries. We'll chat soon. Enjoy the rest of your evening Nickola."

The call ends. She holds the phone to her chest and takes a minute to extinguish her excitement before returning to the group. When she returns, the dinner plates have been removed and a piece of strawberry cheesecake waits before her.

"Everything okay with Zara?" Vanessa ask.

"Yeah, she's ok." Hoping no one notices how elated she is.

Vanessa tells her the couple seated with them gave a donation of two thousand dollars and how passionate they felt about the cause. The speaker thanks everyone for attending and wishes everyone a good evening.

Vanessa and Greyson give farewells to Nickola and Miles. Miles walks with Nickola to her car.

"Vanessa's really passionate about her work," he says.

"Yes she is. Like many, her childhood wasn't the greatest so it kinda hits home for her. Thanks for coming here tonight."

"I liked it. I feel very informed," he smiles. "What are you doing Wednesday? We could have dinner under less formal circumstances."

"Zara has dance but I may be able to have Vanessa take her."

"Okay. Let me know. I'll see you soon then?" he sounds unsure.

"Yes," she says smiling. "Goodnight Miles." 

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