chapter 22

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Monday in the breakroom at Met Transit. Ros joins Nickola at her table.

"Como fue tu honeymoon?" Nickola ask intrigued.

"Girl! I didn't want to come back to this place. The weather, the water, I could live in the Bahamas for the rest of my life. And don't get me started on the food," she rolls her eyes remembering the taste. "How are things with Miles?"

"I broke up with him," she strains to say.

Ros' mouth drops open. "What happened?"

"You were right. It's always been Herring. Just took a while for my head to match my heart."

"See. I know what I be talking about," she gives a satisfied smile. "So are you and Herring together?"

"Yes. I stayed the night at his place Saturday," Nickola says happily.

"Oohh!" Ros says excited. "How did Vanessa take it?"

"I haven't told her yet," the words leave her mouth slowly.

"Nikki!" Ros frowns.

"The timing is bad," she defends. "Vanessa's grandmother had a stroke, fell and broke her hip. She's been at the hospital all weekend."

"Oh," she says in a sad understanding tone.

"I plan to tell her when things settle."

"What made you finally choose Herring?" Ros says curiously.

"Miles is a good guy. But the spark just wasn't there. It feels like I'm in the prime of my life. I kept thinking, what if it could work with Herring. I don't wanna be regretting not giving it a try with him five years down the road."

"Yeah. I have a good feeling about you two," Ros says dreamily.

They both look at each other smiling. "Oh boy," Nickola says rolling her eyes.


A week later Vanessa's grandmother condition is worse. Nickola offers to take Madalyn to dance. When she returns to the house to drop her off Herring is waiting inside.

"Dad is at the hospital. It doesn't look good. The doctors don't think she will live through the night," empathy in his voice.

Nickola's phone rings. "It's Vanessa," she says before answering. "Hello?"

"Nikki do you mind staying with the kids for a while? Greyson is gonna stay here with me," her tone sad.

"Yeah. No problem," Nickola's voice is soft and low.

"It's not looking good. The staff infection has spread into her blood stream. I don't think she's gonna make it," Vanessa says through tears.

"I'm sorry Vanessa."

Sniffling is heard. "I'll text you when we are on our way home."

"Let me know if there's anything else you need me to do."

"Thank you," Vanessa's voice comes out as a whisper.

Nickola makes mac and cheese for the children to eat. After eating they put their plates on the counter. She sends Madalyn and Trent to brush their teeth and change into pajamas before heading to bed. Zara goes into the living room and flips to the Disney channel. Nickola loads the dishwasher and sits at the dining room table.

"You're a good friend," Herring says pulling out a chair.

"Thanks. I try," she half smiles.

Nickola can't erase yesterday's scene from her mind. Krista talking to Herring in the parking lot of his condo. Smiling and listening to him intently. It enraged Nickola to think that Herring could be sneaking around with Krista. She had to know and just ignoring it was only making things worse. Anxiety rising as she rubs her hands up and down her thighs.

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