Chapter 10

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A/N- hey guys hope you like this one, it's going to mention Emily's bipolar because I think it needs more awareness and to be able to write comfort characters struggling seems to help sometimes because we get to see how they'd deal with it ! If anyone needs me my messages are open ! Love you all xo
TW⚠️mentions of bipolar and self harm.


"What's wrong with me?" She asks looking up at me with sad, teary eyes.

"Baby...I think you might have bipolar disorder" I say stroking her hair.

"That's what my dad had, I'm really scared JJ, what if I turn out like him?" She asks me. The look on her face made me want to cuddle her forever and also murder her father.

"Hey, you are nothing like your father okay, but it can be passed down through genetics so there's a possibility you might have it. We will go to the Doctor's when we get back okay? But for now you need to get some rest alright?" I say moving closer to her, continuously stroking her hair.

"Okay, I love you, I'm sorry for snapping earlier" she says placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"You don't need to apologise baby, it's not your fault. I love you too." I hold her and stroke her hair until I hear her breathing steady, and she's fallen asleep.

I wake up around 7:30 to get ready to meet the team and I wake up to an empty bed. My mind instantly starts to panic until I smell eggs and bacon. My favourite.

"Mhm something smells nice" I say whilst slowly walking into the kitchen of our hotel suite.

"Yeah I thought I'd make you some food, because you never remember to eat." She says placing a kiss on my cheek.

"How are you feeling?" I ask whilst eating a mouthful of eggs.

"Fine, I don't think we need to go to the doctors, I feel perfect!" She says jumping about.

"Babe, we need to go" I say worriedly.

"Why, I'm great, I feel great, nothings wrong" she replies in a giddy tone, she's speaking quite fast .

"Emily look at me. Yesterday you weren't fine. You snapped out of the blue and then got black out drunk alone. That's not fine. We need to go Em"

"No we don't JJ, I was just having a rough day. I get that I worried you when I went to the bar but that's what I do when I'm annoyed or upset. Also yesterday I was really tired that's probably why I snapped."

"Emily come on, you know deep down you aren't. Please just go, for me?" I say pleading with my eyes.

"Ugh okay fine, I'll go but it's only for you" she says wrapping her arms around my waist, kissing my neck. "Come on finish your food because we need to go to the lobby and meet the team" she says cleaning the mess she made.

"Are you not having anything to eat?" I ask.

"Uh no I don't really feel hungry to be honest, it's probably just because I'm hungover" She replies. That doesn't seem right, usually she inhales her food when she's hungover.

We get dressed and her sleeve inches up a bit and I see a small red line on the inside of her arm. I gasp a little and she looks at me but doesn't notice that I've seen her arm. I'll talk to her when we get back home.

We meet the team in the lobby at 8:30 and head to the jet. The ride there was pretty much silent apart from the occasional statistic about plane crashes from Reid.

We get in the jet and we sit next to each other and she snuggles next to me. She starts to drift off asleep and so do I. I'm awoken to her having another nightmare.

"Dad, please stop it, I'm your daughter! Mom do something" she screams. The entire team is looking at her.

She wakes up in horror and rushes to the bathroom. I follow her but before I get to the toilet door Hotch calls me.

"JJ, is she okay?" He asks sternly yet calmly which I didn't think was possible.

"Uh yeah, just some nightmares. It's fine Hotch" I say rushing to the bathroom door.

"Em?" I ask quietly knocking the door. I hear her crying. "Let me in babe, please let me help you" I say.

I hear the door unlock and I rush into the small jet bathroom closing the door behind me. Her eyes are puffy and her face is tear-stained. "Hey, I'm here I'm here, you're gunna be okay" I say pulling her into a hug. I feel her tears drip onto my T-shirt as I hold her.

"Why won't they go away?" She asks.

"The nightmares?" I reply. I feel her nod her head.

"Because something traumatic happened to you baby and you locked it away in your other compartments like you always do, you try and stay strong for everyone else but you really need to be strong for yourself. I'm here to help you baby so please let me" I say rubbing her back.

"Okay, we'll talk more at home okay?" She says releasing herself from my tight grasp. "I love you Jayje" she says in her soft, sad voice.

"I love you too"

We exit the bathroom and everyone is looking at Emily. "I'm fine guys it was just a nightmare" she says walking back to her seat, not looking at anyone, then she almost tripped and seemed disorientated.

The jet lands and we get in the SUV heading back to the BAU. We all arrive at the same time and grab some things before we finish for the week. I'm ready to leave and I can't see Emily anywhere.

"Hey Pen, have you seen Emily?" I ask walking into her bat cave.

"Um no last I checked she was going to the bathroom, I need to go there anyway so I'll come with you to find her. She's probably fallen asleep somewhere" Penelope jokes.

We head towards the bathroom and we see a shoe poking out of the door. We run over and Emily's collapsed on the floor. "HOTCH!" I yell.

The team runs in whilst I check for her pulse. "She's breathing but her pulse is weak".

"I'll call 911" Penelope says visibly upset.

"What happened?" Hotch asked.

"I don't know, we came to look for her and we found her like this." I say tears beginning to form.

"She'll be okay JJ" Derek says patting my shoulder.

The ambulance takes her away and I drive behind in the SUV with Spencer and Penelope. Derek, Hotch and Rossi are in the other one.

We get there and I run in and speak to the lady at the front desk. "Emily Prentiss was just brought in, where is she, is she okay?" I questioned panicked.

"She's with the doctors, if you wait in the waiting room they'll be with you shortly"

A/N- hey guys I didn't really know where to end this chapter and I figured I'd update now because I'm bored 😂 so here ya go. Pls enjoy! X

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