Spencer Reid

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Dear Spencer,

If you're reading this letter then I am no longer with you. I'm sorry it had to end this way but the pain inside me was eating me up. I hate to do this to you all but I just want you to know that I love you. You are like my little brother, I don't want you to mourn me for too long. I want you to celebrate our times that we shared.

Please don't feel bad about this. There was nothing you could've done. I chose to do this. Living was just too painful. I need you to promise me that you'll stay away from Dilaudid. Don't even think about touching it. For me please don't let yourself spiral for my actions.

I need you to promise me one thing. Promise me you'll look after JJ, if she gets a new girlfriend I need you to bedazzle her with lots of facts and do your thing. If she gets a new boyfriend get Derek to scare him and threaten to beat him up if he hurts her. Just please make sure she's okay.

I'm sorry it had to end like this Spence, I always have a spot for you in my heart and I hope you one day remember me and it won't hurt.

Emily x

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