Chapter 3

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A/N- I haven't got a clue where I'm going with this story so there will be smut in this chapter but pls give me suggestions, should Emily turn good or bad?

As I'm waiting for JJ to arrive. I look for a new place. My grandfather recently died and I inherited quite a lot. A lot as in 15 million dollars.

I'm looking at penthouse suites with a balcony, I've always wanted my own balcony. I hear a knock at my door and she is stood there in this gorgeous fur coat that accentuates her features beautifully.

"Hey there" she says. "Can I come in?"

" look...uh" I say at a loss for words. I'm never at a loss for words.

Chuckling, she says "thanks you look handsome too." She walks in and I hand her a glass of wine. She notices my laptop open looking for new places. "You're moving?"

"Uh yeah, I think it's time for a new place, I'm getting bored of my apartment"

I sit down next to her and she pulls me in closer. Kissing up and down my neck, she pushes me down on to my back, getting on top.

After we finish she looks at me as she's laying on my stomach. "So, I was wondering?"


"How come your FBI friends didn't arrest me at the club?"

"Well they don't know who you are"

"How, you've been tracking me for years did they not help?"

"Uh no, it was kind of a solo mission."

She smiles at me and presses our lips together again. God I think I'm falling in love with her.

"I have a question too"


"What do you want with me? Because I like you a lot and I don't want to start something that isn't going to end well. It's just with my job and your job. I just w-"

I was cut off by her lips on mine again "I want to be something real with you, I've researched you for years and you fascinated me, I know so much about you and what I do know I love"

"See, you're actually really nice under the "criminal boss lady" skin"

"Well thank you" she gives me a quick kiss and we drift off to sleep.

I'm awoken to the smell of bacon and coffee and I see JJ in my kitchen making something.

I walk up behind her and sneak my arms around her waist pulling her in closely. "Mm good morning" she says in my ear.

"Aww you made me breakfast" I say with a slight chuckle.

"Well are you not hungry?" She says in a sarcastic tone.

"Mmmh I'm hungry for something else"

That day was spent making out in bed, sex, eating and house hunting for me.

I finally found a penthouse suite that had a balcony, an indoor pool, 4 bedrooms and a game room. It was perfect. I asked JJ to come with me to pick up the keys as she didn't have anywhere else to be that day.


I've been with JJ for about a month now and she practically lives with me. Each day I fall more in love with her. I want the team to know about her but I know Pen would do background checks and they wouldn't be all that good.

She smokes a lot of weed and to be honest I caved and I smoke it with her sometimes. It's nice actually. It's not like I haven't tried it before. I mean I was quite rebellious in my teenage years. But being with her makes sense. Every time I'm with her I'm like a kid at a candy store. Amazed. Gobsmacked. Bewitched.

I come out of my room and I hear her on the phone so I hang back and listen. It's quite loud so I can hear whoever she's on the phone with.

"What the fuck JJ you're sleeping with a fed, what if she finds out what you're doing"

"She won't care, I'm in love with her and I hope she's in love with me too, she will be my partner in crime so watch your mouth"

Not going to lie hearing her say that gave me butterflies. The good kind. I wanted to be with her all the time and be hers and if being her partner is what she wants then it's what I'll do.

She hangs up so I take the opportunity to make my presence known. "Partner in crime ay" I say to her causing her to jump a little.

"Well it's up to you, do you like the sound of it?" she asks wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I'll have to see what crime it is first" I say with a smirk picking her up and taking her to the couch.

"Well, I need someone to help me with my marijuana business... and I was hoping you would"

"Mmm well" I say kissing her body up and down. "That might be an offer I can't refuse."

A/N hey guys this chapter is quite short, it's just a filler to the good stuff. But Emily is going to go bad😈😏Ooooh! I mean I'd have loved to have seen a bad version of Emily in the show I think I'd die 🤤. Anyways tell me what you think as always and give me some ideas about the plot because I have no clue where I'm going with this yet !

Love you all xo

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