Chapter 5

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A/N- hey guys hope you like my new chapter, it's not going to be that sad I promise.

TW- ptsd, nightmares⚠️


I'm sat in the waiting room with Emily's team hoping she's going to be okay. I can't imagine losing her. I've been so lonely with this "job" and I never imagined settling down but Emily. God she's so amazing I'd give everything up in a heartbeat for her. I'd trade places with her right now if I could.

"Family of Emily Prentiss?" The doctor said, coming in to the waiting room.

"Yeah I'm her girlfriend is she okay?"

"I'm Dr Bailey and I was the surgeon for Emily. She lost a lot of blood due to the many, many cuts on her thighs and stomach, she had a gash on her head which we have sewn shut so she may be dizzy for the next few days because it was quite deep. She also had some internal bleeding due to the beating she took to the stomach. Also she sustained quite a strong beating to the face but it's surface bruising so it should heal in a week or two she should make a full recovery and be back to work in no time."

"Oh thank god" I said taking a sigh of relief. "When can I see her?" I ask.

"Now if you'd like she should be waking up soon" Dr Bailey says before leaving.

I walk into her room and I gasp at the sight of her asleep on the hospital bed. She looks so fragile. I start to tear up at the sight of her. I hadn't realised she started to wake up.

"JJ...?" I hear her say.

"Hey...hey I'm here baby. You're okay we're at the hospital do you remember what happened?"

"Kind of... it's coming back to me in flashes" she says groggily. "Are you okay?" She asks, I move by her bed and pull up a chair.

"You're the one in the hospital bed and you're asking me if I'm okay?" I say with a slight chuckle moving the hair that's by her face.

"Well are you?" She says looking into my eyes. Even though she's been battered by my ex she still cares about me more than herself.

"I'm fine now that I know you're fine." I say giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. She pouts. "What?"

"You missed my lips" she says acting all sad.

I pull her into a kiss that starts of nice but ends up passionate until we are interrupted by the team knocking on the door.

"Hey princess, I see you're alright then" Morgan says with a chuckle.

"Hey guys, I'm fine really it's nothing" she says smiling at them.

"Emily, it's not nothing we all know that, Strauss says you can take as much time as you need off and we'll figure things out when you get back." Hotch says giving her a quick smile. "Jennifer can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks.

Two days later...

Emily's being discharged today and I can't wait. I mean I know the hospital is a safe place for her but it sucks there. She's being released at 16:00 so that gives me a few hours to get her apartment ready for her. She gave me a key a month back in case I needed it.

She won't tell me what Will did to her and frankly I can't stomach thinking about it. Usually this doesn't phase me on other people but when it's someone I love it hurts. A lot.

It finally reaches 4 o' clock and I can pick her up. I made food for us that I just need to heat up when we get back and I got her some snacks so we can watch a film in bed.

After food...

Emily's POV

JJ has been amazing since I got back and I've only been back a few hours. She made me Mac and cheese which is my favourite and got some snacks for us to watch in bed. She got herself Cheetos which I found out is her literal favourite thing in the world. I can't believe that I'm in a relationship with Jennifer Jareau.

It's about 11:30 when we decide to head to bed and JJ wraps me in her arms under the covers and starts stroking my hair. I love it when she does that. I feel myself drifting off and I fall away into the blissfulness that is sleep. Or so I thought.

"DON'T DISRESPECT ME" Will says as he slaps me across the face. He takes the knife and starts slicing up and down my thighs and I feel the blood trickling down my leg as they start to sting.

He punches me in the face and slaps me.

"Emily...EMILY" I hear JJ shout but how is she here.

I wake up in a cold sweat. It was a nightmare thank god.

"Hey you're okay it was just a nightmare. You're safe I've got you and I'm not letting go okay" she whispers into my ear as tears start to fall down my cheeks.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom" I say quietly.

I walk into the bathroom before she can even say anything. I lift up my tank top and look at the scars. What if JJ sees these and thinks I'm ugly? What if she won't love me anymore? These thoughts starts circling my brain and I'm pulled out of my thoughts by JJ knocking on the door.

"Em...are you okay? You've been in there for a while"

"Uh yeah" I said not realising that tears were still rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm coming in okay?" She says softly.

She walks in and I pull my shirt down before she can see anything.

"What's wrong baby?" She asks me embracing me in a hug.

"The...the things he did to me. They made me ugly and I'm scared you won't like me anymore because of them" I say staring at the floor.

"Emily look at me" she says pushing my chin up with her finger so our eyes meet. "Nothing in this world could ever make me think you were ugly. You are the most beautiful woman on this planet and you don't have to tell me right now what he did to you but you need to promise me you will tell someone, one day, because I can't have you bottling these things up okay?" My eyes are full of tears. I'm trying to believe her but I'm scared she'll walk away from me and I can't lose her.

"If I show you...don't be horrified okay, they make me hate myself even more than I already did"

"Nothing could make me horrified okay"


She lifts her shirt and her stomach is covered in small scars presumably from a knife. I don't say anything. I just take it in.

"I knew it...I knew you wouldn't look at me the same" she says. I take her hand in mine and I hold eye contact.

"Hey, when I said nothing could make me horrified. I meant nothing okay, even with these scars you are still drop dead gorgeous okay and for you to think you are anything less than that is beyond me." I say still looking her in the eyes. She starts to well up again.

I walk her out of the bathroom and to our bed again.

"Let's get some rest okay?"

"Okay" she says climbing into bed with me and laying her head on my shoulder. "I love you Jayje you know that don't you?"

"I do, and I love you too Em"

A/N- hope you like this. Still haven't got a clue where I'm going with this but I'm going to be taking some of your ideas into account. I've decided which side Emily or JJ will go to. Good or bad? You'll find out soon I promise 🤞

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